Jeb Phelps Location In Annesburg RDR2 Online
The Jeb Phelps Contract is a new mission in RDR2 Online Blood Money update and his exact location in Annesburg can be difficult to figure out. The trip to Annesburg where you will need to locate and then escort Jeb Phelps takes place in the third and last Contract bearing his name. The problem arises because it’s not immediately apparent what you are supposed to do in Annesburg to locate him. To prevent you from wandering around aimlessly searching for him in every corner of the town, we’ve written this Jeb Phelps Location In Annesburg RDR2 Online guide. It will show you the shortest and fastest route to finding Jeb Phelps in Annesburg.

Where To Find Jeb Phelps In Annesburg – Contract No. 3
To begin this mission, accept the Jeb Phelps Contract Part 3 from a Crime Vendor. In order to find his Capitale stash, you will first need to look for him in the town of Annesburg. Speaking of Capitale, be sure to check out our Capitale guide to learn more about this new currency. In the middle of town, on the boardwalk, you will see a conspicuous pool of blood. You will get the option to follow this trail of blood. Follow it until you reach a blue house with a green door. Once you enter it, a cutscene will start and you will have found Jeb Phelps.
Jeb Phelps Contract Bugged
Currently, it appears that this mission is bugged and that many players are having problems with it. Since the Blood Money update only launched a short while ago, bugs such as this are to be expected. Rockstar will surely patch out issues such as this in a forthcoming patch, but until then – you should be aware that you may run into bugs that prevent you from completing this. The best solution we’ve found so far is to restart the game and see if you can complete it then. Thanks for reading our Jeb Phelps Location In Annesburg RDR2 Online guide, we hope that you won’t run into any bugs and that you will be able to finish it without much trouble.
If you end up getting stuck at another point, you might want to check out some of the other guides we have. We've written about mysteries like the missing person Gavin, the Rhodes Gunsmith prisoner, the locked door at Valentine doctor. We also have instructional guides that show how to rob stores without getting bounty or where to sell jewelry and gold bars. If it's collectibles or key items you're after, we've found all the Penny Dreadful comic books, Chick's treasure map location, or that famous pipe for Dutch. Finally, if you don't care to explore the map yourself, you could take a look at our Watson's Cabin and Catfish Jackson's Homestead locations guides. In the latest Red Dead Online Moonshiners Update you'll have a chance to find Navy Revolver and Best Shack Locations.