Hired Gun Kit Bandana RDR2 Online
The RDR2 Online Hired Gun Kit bandana is a new clothing item that you can get in the new Blood Money update. As the name implies, the only way to get it is to get the Hired Gun Kit, which I definitely recommend you do, because it’s full of useful stuff. The bandana is just the frosting, and very cool-looking frosting at that. So, without further ado, let’s show you how to get the Hired Gun kit in RDR2 Online and what you get in it.

How to Get RDR2 Online Hired Gun Kit Bandana in Blood Money Update
To get the RDR2 Online Hired Gun Kit bandana in the Blood Money Update, all you have to do is purchase it from the Fence. Any of the fences will do; you can go to Emerald Ranch, the Van Horn Trading Post, Rhodes, or Thieves Landing. Talk to the Fence and scroll down all their wares until you find the Hired Gun Kit, as is in the image above. Now, I hope that you have five Gold Bars to spend, because that’s how much the bundle will cost you. When you purchase it, the contents will go to your lockbox, as usual.
With that said, I can safely say that the Hired Gun Kit is worth getting. For one, you get the bandana (it’s called Fierro Bandana, and comes in ten different colors), but you also get a bunch of ammo, consumables (aka Tonics), and Gun Oil. Most importantly, you’ll also get 10 Capitale, which is the newly-added currency. The RDR2 Online Hired Gun Kit bandana bundle is pretty good value for your money, especially because this fourth currency is probably gonna be important, and this is a good way to get a head start.
While we’re on the subject, and since you’re already at the Fence, consider grabbing another bundle of ten Capitale, if you have the extra three Gold Bars. I say that, because Madame Nazar is selling Arthur’s Outfit, aka The Haraway, and that thing costs fifty-two Gold Bars, so don’t spend it all at the Fence if you want those clothes.
If you end up getting stuck at another point, you might want to check out some of the other guides we have. We've written about mysteries like the missing person Gavin, the Rhodes Gunsmith prisoner, the locked door at Valentine doctor. We also have instructional guides that show how to rob stores without getting bounty or where to sell jewelry and gold bars. If it's collectibles or key items you're after, we've found all the Penny Dreadful comic books, Chick's treasure map location, or that famous pipe for Dutch. Finally, if you don't care to explore the map yourself, you could take a look at our Watson's Cabin and Catfish Jackson's Homestead locations guides. In the latest Red Dead Online Moonshiners Update you'll have a chance to find Navy Revolver and Best Shack Locations.