Capitale RdR2 Online - How To Get & Use
With the release of the newest update to RDR2 Online – Blood Money, a new currency called Capitale has been introduced into the game and fans are wondering how to get and use it. You will need it to access some of the new content. Capitale is: “The system of exchange used by members of Saint Denis’s criminal underworld.” This currency is sought after by Guido Martelli, who is willing to hire gunslingers in order to retrieve it. This Capitale RDR2 Online – How To Get & Use guide will tell you all you need to know about Capitale, where it can be found, and what you can use it for.

How to Get Capitale in RDR2 Online
There are several ways for you to acquire Capitale in RDR2 Online. The most reliable way is to engage in Blood Money missions called Crimes. Like the name suggests, these nefarious missions involve all manner of illegal activities such as robberies and kidnappings. Crimes don’t outright reward you with Capitale, but they do lead you to places where you can find it. It can be looted from bodies, found in chests and loot boxes, and in homesteads. In our experience up until now, we’ve found that the largest amounts can be found on fallen enemies. Another way is to purchase it from a Fence. You can buy 10 Capitale for 3 Gold Bars. The Hired Gun Kit nets you another 10 Capitale. Finally, the Quick Draw Club Pass will get you more of it, too. Rank 6 will get you 25 Capitale and Rank 23 will give you 40.
What Is Capitale Used For in RDR2 Online
Capitale is used to purchase Opportunities. There will be five Opportunities in Blood Money, but right now there is only one Opportunity available: Covington Emerald. Depending on their difficulties, different Opportunities have higher costs. A Standard Opportunity is 15 Capitale, a Hard Opportunity is 10, and a Ruthless Opportunity is 25. If you want to play all future Opportunities, we recommend you get started on acquiring Capitale as soon as possible. We hope that our Capitale RDR2 Online – How To Get & Use guide has answered all of your Capitale-related questions and that you will be able to accumulate a lot of it in Blood Money.
How to Farm Capitale
There are several ways that you can farm Capitale in RDR2 Online. Specifically, there are two steps in two different contracts, The Railroad and Jeb Phelps, where you can quickly swoop in, collect a handful of Capitale, and then restart the step. In the Jeb Phelps contract, you ignore the mission completely and just loot a barn at the edge of town, and in The Railroad you need to kill the railroad director instead of capturing him. It is a little annoying to go through these steps over and over, but it’s better than wasting Gold Bars. For more detailed info, check out our Fastest Way to Farm Capitale guide.
If you end up getting stuck at another point, you might want to check out some of the other guides we have. We've written about mysteries like the missing person Gavin, the Rhodes Gunsmith prisoner, the locked door at Valentine doctor. We also have instructional guides that show how to rob stores without getting bounty or where to sell jewelry and gold bars. If it's collectibles or key items you're after, we've found all the Penny Dreadful comic books, Chick's treasure map location, or that famous pipe for Dutch. Finally, if you don't care to explore the map yourself, you could take a look at our Watson's Cabin and Catfish Jackson's Homestead locations guides. In the latest Red Dead Online Moonshiners Update you'll have a chance to find Navy Revolver and Best Shack Locations.
You did not explain exactly HOW to “use” Cap. I clicked on Blood Money; it’s just a Cap Mission. Please tell me. Ty
Just for a day we thought since the new update came out they were going to slash payouts for moonshine and trader sells. Wagon of moonshine 75. A wagon of trader materials 100.00. But it looks like it was a glitch or bug or something. Everything today is back to normal. Rock on rdr!