RDR2 Online Bootlegger Moonshine Sale Mission Bug - Stuck on Loading Screen, Instant Fail
Moonshine Sale Bootlegger missions are repeatable role missions in Red Dead Online. The Moonshiners update brought a new role into the game, with its own repeatable missions. We’ve seen more than a few reports from people experiencing issues with these. We got stuck on an infinite loading screen ourselves, while others had the mission fail instantly as soon as it starts. This guide is going to show you how to fix or avoid RDR2 Online moonshiner bootlegger mission bugs, so you don’t get stuck on loading screens or fail before you’ve even started.

Moonshine Sale mission bug
First off, bear in mind that the missions not showing up at the quest giver isn’t a bug. Each of them has a cooldown, so you can’t just keep doing them endlessly – you’ll need to take breaks.
If you get stuck in a loading screen after taking one of these repeatable missions, rest assured that one is a bug. If you get trapped in an infinite loading screen, the only thing that helps is killing the application. On PC, you can do this by either pressing Alt+F4, or using Shift+Ctrl+Esc to open the task manager, then finding the process and ending it. On PS4, you can press the Options button, then use the option to close the application.
You might lose progress if this happens, so try to force the game into saving before you try taking on bootlegger missions. You can trigger the autosave by fast traveling, changing areas or undertaking a different activity.
The other common mission bug we’ve seen mentioned is failing as soon as you start. If this happens, you can just go back and talk to the quest giver. As we’ve mentioned, you might run into an issue with the cooldowns, so she might not offer the same mission again so soon. The only other thing you can do is avoid them until Rockstar issues a patch that fixes these errors.
Unable to sell moonshine
Another bug occurs when you choose the delivery option. It plays a cut scene with Marcel and stuck at a black loading screen. You should visit Bert who buys your hooch for cheaper it doesn’t bug. However you barely make a profit selling to him so the only point is for XP. (thanks Patrick-Mcglory)If you end up getting stuck at another point, you might want to check out some of the other guides we have. We've written about mysteries like the missing person Gavin, the Rhodes Gunsmith prisoner, the locked door at Valentine doctor. We also have instructional guides that show how to rob stores without getting bounty or where to sell jewelry and gold bars. If it's collectibles or key items you're after, we've found all the Penny Dreadful comic books, Chick's treasure map location, or that famous pipe for Dutch. Finally, if you don't care to explore the map yourself, you could take a look at our Watson's Cabin and Catfish Jackson's Homestead locations guides. In the latest Red Dead Online Moonshiners Update you'll have a chance to find Navy Revolver and Best Shack Locations.
I hit wanto be a moon shiner and it goes to the pictures with spinny revolver in bottom right and just loops/ Hangs no percentage in bottom right just spinny thing
Infinite load screen when I try to start a delivery mission with Marcel(x2) or Cripps(x2) for PS4. #frustrating
How is this a guide on how to “fix or avoid” these bugs? It’s not.
I’m having the same problem, already lost 3 batches of moonshine.
I dont have the option to even buy the shack I have done everything
Open your player menu where you choose camp location. Beside where you chose the camp location before you can now choose the moonshine shack location as well. Go there and activate it.
still locked on loading screen selling to Bert.
Same problem for me I opened a ticket with Rockstar to see if they will compensate. Lost 2 batches of medium hooch already.
bugs bugs bugs what else is new
Console, should just hit join friend from the OS screen. Specially if it black screens while doing a sale mission. Hit join friend, then you’ll get an, ” are you sure.” Hit no, itll load you in and you dont have to lose the sale. For missions, you’ll actually just join friends.
6 months later and the bug still happens. Did not get money and xp on my sell mission.
I’m having this issue, too. Two of my friends just tried to sell moonshine and it happened to them. I was able to deliver the moonshine for one of them, by they didn’t get the money or XP…
Hey mention all platforms, you forgot Xbox.