Spybot Locations - Ryno Ultimate Weapon Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart
Spybots in Rift Apart are collectibles that you have to find and collect in order to unlock the game’s ultimate weapon, RYNO 8. It is arguably the most powerful weapon in the game, and definitely the coolest, so you’ll want to figure out where to find the spybots in Rift Apart. The catch is that they’re either well-hidden, or they’re locked behind optional objectives, aka side quests. However, the reward is absolutely worth the trouble. So, in our Spybot Locations – RYNO Ultimate Weapon Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart guide, we’ll show you where all the Spybots are, and how to unlock the RYNO.

Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart Corson V Spybot Locations – RYNO Weapon
The location of the Corson V Spybot for the RYNO weapon in Rift Apart is actually behind the Search the Factory side quest. All you have to do is follow the quest marker into the factory in the bottom left of the map, through the factory, and onto what seems to be the cargo area of a high-speed train station. This mission is nothing too hard; however, it does require a little bit of tricky platforming inside the factory. Basically, the recipe for success is to keep going up and towards any doorway that you might see. The Spybot is inside a large cylinder, and you’ll have to clear the area of enemies to drop the force field guarding it.
Where to Find Rift Apart Sargasso Spybot
To find the Sargasso Spybot location in Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart, you have to complete the “Help Trudi” side quest. In the first step, Mort tells you to find fifteen Zurpstones for Trudi, which is a pretty simple task, after which you unlock Trudi as a mount. The next step is to find sixty Zurpstones, but at least the game marks them all on the map. After you have all the stuff you need, go back to the quest giver to collect the Spybot. So, it’s a bit of a trek, but at least it lets you explore every inch of the area.

Scarstu Debris Field Spybot Locations – Rift Apart RYNO
The first Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart Spybot location on Scarstu Debris Field is to the right of the door to Zurkie’s. Instead of going into the bar, head to the right, to where the Raritaium crates are/were. You’ll see a rappel point that you can use to catapult yourself to the platform where the Spybot is. Note that we’ve done this on our second visit to Zurkies in the main story.
As for the second Spybot on this planet, you get it from Zurkie’s Arena. Specifically, you have to unlock the Gold challenges and complete the one called Vroom Around. This is no easy task; in fact, this is the last Spybot we got.
How to Get Savali Spybot in Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart
To get the Rift Apart Spybot location in Savali on your journey to unlock the RYNO weapon, you have to find a set of rock stairs in the northeast of the map (location provided in the image below). Climb up the stairs and jump across the platforms into a cave, then follow the path to what seems to be a pirate ship. Yes, really. Use the rappel points to board the ship and pick up the Spybot. As soon as you do, a whole bunch of enemies will ambush you, so be ready to fight immediately. It’s not too tough a battle, but still.

Where to Find Rift Apart Blizar Prime Spybot Locations
To find the Blizar Prime Spybot location in Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart, you need to complete the “Find the Missing Chef” side quest. Keep in mind that you can only do this after unlocking the Mag Jump ability. The quest, which begins at the place below, requires you to go through a place called Wasp Cave, which you can only do by using the Mag Jump. Other than that, you just need to follow the quest marker. After you find the chef, you will have to defend two points from waves of enemies, and at the end of it all, you’ll earn a Spybot.

Torren IV Spybot Location for RYNO Weapon in Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart
The location of the Rift Apart Spybot on Torren IV to unlock the RYNO weapon requires you to walk down a “hidden” magnetic path. From the ship, head north via the rappel points and wall pads until you get to the larger land mass. Instead of going forward into the marketplace, head right, up the wooden boards, and there’s the magnetic path. Follow it all the way down into a small cave, and just hop across the platform where the Spybot is. You might think that you can reach the robot by dropping down to the ramps below the marketplace or something like that, but no, that’s instant death. This is the only path.

Where to Find Cordelion Rift Apart Spybot
To find the Spybot in Cordelion in Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart, there are several steps that you have to complete. First off, hit the crystal at the top of the station to turn the place from summer to winter. Then, go down to the lower level of the station and ride the elevator below. Follow the semicircular “cavern” all the way to the end, and then ride the elevator down once more. You’ll find yourself in a room where the floor is covered in water. Climb all the way to the top of the room and hit the crystal again. From there, just follow the robot icon until you reach teh Spybot.

Ardolis Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart Spybot Locations
The Rift Apart Spybot location on Ardolis is out in the open, but it’s in a remote corner in the northeast of the map, and easy to overlook due to the orange rocks. So, just go to the place we’ve marked on the map and look for the spybot near a large cauldron. By the way, the optional objective on Ardolis rewards you by marking a ton of collectibles you’ve missed on the map. However, it didn’t mark the Spybot for us, so we still had to find it manually. I don’t know if this is a bug or something, but it bears mentioning.

Viceron Spybot in Rift Apart – Where to Find for RYNO Weapon
To find the tenth and final Spybot Location in Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart and unlock the RYNO weapon, play through the main mission until you find yourself in the ventilation system of the prison. Explore the area carefully until you find a red room behind a fan. Break said fan to get access in to the room where the Spybot is. It’s a little tricky to explain the exact location, because there’s no real reference points that are easy to see. Just use the picture below as guidance, and you should be just fine. After you find this Spybot, if you’ve found all of the above, it’s time to get the RYNO.

How to Get RYNO Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart Ultimate Weapon
To get the RYNO, the ultimate weapon in Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart, you just need to go to the nearest vendor-bot after picking up all ten Spybots locations. The new gun should now be available for purchase, and yes, it will be free. It’s a fantastic reward for all the work you’ve done.
Now, those of you that are long-time fans of the franchise might be wondering how the new RYNO works. Well, it quite literally “tears time and space a new one.” It opens a giant rift in the sky, from which something random will fall, and explode in a huge ball of destruction. It can be a plane, a bathtub, the Blargian Battlebeast from the 2016 remake, and even the Thunderjaw from Horizon Zero Dawn.