Eternatus Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Sword & Shield Eternatus is a Legendary Pokemon, the first one you’re going to meet in the game. The fight against Eternatus in Pokemon Sword & Shield is one of the toughest battles in the game, as any legendary Pokemon should be. However, it’s well worth catching, since it becomes a very valuable asset later on in the game. So, let’s see where to find and how to catch the Pokemon Sword & Shield Legendary Pokemon Eternatus.

Where to Find Eternatus Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Sword & Shield – How to Catch?
To find and catch the Legendary Pokemon named Eternatus in Pokemon Sword & Shield, you’ll have to push through the main story nearly until the end. I’m going to do my best to avoid any major spoilers, but I do recommend exercising caution from here on out. Anyways, near the very end of the game, you’re going to face off against Eternatus with a little help from friends. Despite this, the battle is far from easy; make sure you have your top Pokemon on the job, and that you have plenty of items to last you through the fight.
When you deplete Eternatus’s first health bar, it’s going to enter its Dynamax form, or Eternamax, if you prefer. Naturally, its health is going to go all the way back up, which is fun. When you manage to bring that down to zero, too, the game will let you catch Eternatus. Try and make a manual save before attempting the catch, just in case. We used a Premier Ball, and it worked. I’m sure that any high-quality Poke Ball will work just fine.
Eternatus is a Dragon / Poison type Pokemon, and it has a move called Dynamax Cannon. This move makes it an absolute buzzsaw against Dynamaxed Pokemon. In other words, he’s going to be an incredible asset in Raid Dens. For more info on Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Sword & Shield, check out our Zacian & Zamazenta Legendary Pokemon guide.