Applin, Yamask Location & Evolution in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Sword & Shield Applin and Yamask are Pokemon that you can find, catch, and evolve in the game, but it can be tough to figure out their locations and evolutions. This is because they’re kinda rare, and their evolutions are a little convoluted. We basically have two questions here: where to find Applin and Yamas, and how to evolve Applin and Yamask in Pokemon Sword & Shield. So, in our Applin, Yamask Location & Evolution in Pokemon Sword & Shield guide, we’re going to answer these questions for you.

Where to Find & How to Evolve Applin in Pokemon Sword & Shield?
To find Applin in Pokemon Sword & Shield, you can look for it in several different areas of the game. You can find it on Route 5 in all weather, and there’s a 10% chance of it appearing. In Dusty Bowl, there’s also a 10% chance of it appearing in Normal Weather. If you’re in the Stony Wilderness, and there’s a Thunderstorm, you again have a 10% chance of meeting an Applin. Lastly, there’s a 30% chance of an Applin in Giant’s Mirror, but only in a thuderstorm. Also, Applin only appears in grass.
To evolve Applin in Pokemon Sword & Shield, head over to Hammerlocke. From the entrance into the city, head left and keep going until you cross the wooden drawbridge. Continue left and find the boy in a red hoodie just before you go through the next gate. Speak to him and let him borrow your Applin. In return, you’ll get a Tart Apple (Shield) or a Sweet Apple (Sword). So, yeah, these forms are exclusive to their respective versions, and you have to trade to get the one you can’t get. Anyway, here are the evolutions of Applin:
- Applin – Flapple (with Tart Apple, only in Pokemon Shield)
- Applin – Appletun (with Sweet Apple, only in Pokemon Sword)
Yamask & Galarian Yamask Pokemon Sword & Shield Evolution & Location
The location of Yamask in both Pokemon Sword and Shield is on Route 6. It has a 35% chance of appearing in the overworld, in all types of weather. And yes, it also has its very own Galarian form, which has a completely different method of evolution. So, let’s get into that, shall we?
- Yamask – Cofagrigus (at Level 34)
- Galarian Yamask – Runerigus (49+ damage on Yamask, walk under the stone sculpture in the Dusty Bowl Wild Area)
And there you have it. If you have more questions about the game, take a gander at our other Pokemon Sword & Shield guides. To name just a few, we’ve written Where to Get a Razor Claw, Hidden Abilities in Pokemon Sword and Shield, and Trade Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield.