Pokemon Scarlet and Violet EV Training
EV training in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is a mechanic that increases the stats of your Pokemon. You can understand why that would be important, I’m sure. That’s why, in this guide, we will explain how to EV train in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. We are also going to tell you which items you can use to speed the process up, as well as how to check EVs and reduce them if necessary.

How to EV Train in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
The normal way to EV train in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is to battle other Pokemon, which is what EV training is all about. EV is short for Effort Values, and each time your Pokemon fight, their EVs increase. You can get higher Effort Value numbers if you equip one of the following items on the Pokemon you’re training. They’re all available at the Delibird Presents shop, and they cost ten thousand bucks each.
- Power Weight – +8 to HP EVs after every Battle, but lowers Speed in battle
- Power Bracer – +8 to Attack EVs after every Battle, but lowers Speed in battle
- Power Belt – +8 to Defense EVs after every Battle, but lowers Speed in battle
- Power Lens +8 to Special Attack EVs after every Battle, but lowers Speed in battle
- Power Band – +8 to Special Defense EVs after every Battle, but lowers Speed in battle
- Power Anklet – +8 to Speed EVs after every Battle, but lowers Speed in battle
Another way to speed up EV training in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is to give your fighters Vitamins. As we explain in our Where to Buy Vitamins guide, they are available for purchase at the Chancey Supply shops. You’ll need a certain amount of badges before they start appearing, though. They also cost ten thousand bucks each, and here’s what they do.
- HP Up – Increases base points for a Pokemon’s HP stat.
- Protein – Increases base points for a Pokemon’s Attack stat.
- Iron – Increases base points for a Pokemon’s Defense stat.
- Calcium – Increases base points for a Pokemon’s Special Attack stat.
- Zinc – Increases base points for a Pokemon’s Special Defense Stat.
- Carbos – Increases base points for a Pokemon’s Speed stat.
Check EVs in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Now that we know how to do EV training in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, is there any way to actually check EVs? Well, not really, no. The best you can do is press X on the Stats Summary screen. See that yellow shape? That’s where you can see how many EVs you’ve invested in a stat. It’s not ideal, but it’s fine enough. Before we wrap up, one more important bit of information. If you want to reset a Pokemon’s EVs, you can use EV-Reducing Berries. They take down stats by ten a pop. Sure, the in-universe implications are horrible, but let’s not think about that.