Best Pokemon for Charizard Tera Raid Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
If you want to know what the best Pokemon for the 7 Star Charizard Tera Raid in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll show you which Pokemon is going to be the best choice to send into this Raid, as well as how you should build it. That way, you can enter the battle with the most powerful counter to Charizard possible.

Best Pokemon for 7 Star Charizard Raid Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
The best Pokemon for the 7 Star Charizard Tera Raid in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is definitely going to be Azumarill. Ideally, you want it to have the Play Rough Fairy move and you absolutely need to have Belly Drum. We have a separate guide on how to get Belly Drum on Azumarill, so check that out. Ideally, you should also use an Adamant Mint to change its nature to boost the Attack stat. Max out both the HP and Attacks stats using items and the Hyper Training. Lastly, let it hold the Shell Bell so that it can heal proportionately to the massive amounts of damage it will be doing. Also, try to catch an Azumarill with a Fairy Tera Type. You can find one in Casseroya Lake.

So, yeah, that’s the best Pokemon for the 7 Star Charizard Tera Raid in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Azumarill, as a Water/Fairy type, is a beast against Charizard by default. If you max out its HP (at 404) and Attack (at 218) and give it the Shell Bell, it will be unstoppable in this Raid. If you want to, you can also use Sylveon or Dachsbun. You can evolve Syvleon by getting an Eevee up to happiness level 160 and teaching it a Fairy Move. Any will do, but Play Rough is preferable. As for Dachsbun, you need to get your Fidough to level 26. The adorable bread dog is more of a defensive choice. Neither of the two can match Azumarill, though.