Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee Should I Throw Money in the Fountain
Fountain in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee in Vermilion City lets you put money in it. So, people have been wondering what happens when you throw money in the Vermilion City fountain in Pokemon Let’s Go. And, indeed, should you do it? You don’t want to just throw away your hard-earned money. Well, our Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee Should I Throw Money in the Fountain will hopefully answer any questions you might have about it.

Should I Throw Money Into the Pokemon Let’s Go Fountain?
The answer to the question “should I throw money into the fountain in Pokemon Let’s Go” is a definite YES. The reason is that putting money into the fountain can get you a Heart Scale; at least, the fountain in Cerulean City does. For more info on that, check out our Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee Heart Scale How to Get guide. To find the fountain in Cerulean City, find the Home of the Bike Maniac near the city entrance. From there, head to the right, and you’ll find the fountain next to the Bike Maniac.
When you interact with the fountain, you’ll have the option to put in either 50 or 500. We put in 50 Pokemon Dollars. After that, you have to play with your Pokemon and you’ll be rewarded with one Heart Scale. The fountain wouldn’t let us put more money in, presumably because the developers don’t want to let you farm Heart Scales too easily. So, we’re not sure what happens if you put in 500 into the fountain. As soon as we manage to figure it out, we’ll be sure to let you know right here, in this guide.
EDIT: According to our readers Brandon and Jessica, putting 500 into the fountain and playing with your Pokemon gets you a Tiny Mushroom, or shiny marble. Thanks, Brandon and Jessica!
So, long story short: Should you throw money into the fountain in Pokemon Let’s Go? Yes, absolutely. In case you need help with something else, check out our other Pokemon Let’s Go guides. There’s How to Evolve Meltan into Melmetal, How to Connect & Transfer from Pokemon Go, and more.
Bad information. All it does is raise Pokemon’s happiness and when they’re happy they will give you items. Eventually they’ll give you something when they’re happy enough. People not getting items just haven’t gotten high enough happiness *yet*. The fountain has pretty much nothing to do with the heart scale, that’s just a random item as a result of the happiness boost.
I placed in 500 and got a silver leaf.
Pikachu gave me a single “lost pearl earing” after putting 50 in the fountain and beating Misty the prompt to play with pikachu showed up anf he gave me the gift.
I didn’t get anything. I think there is an internal bond counter that increases when you throw something in. It just happens to increase by a whole lot. Pikachu had just gives me a present right when I got to Cerulean.
I put in 500, went to the pokecenter and looked this up. I got nothing after that….
I received a Chalky Stone
I just put the money in and don’t remember the game indicating that I had to play with my pokemon, so I didn’t…
It doesn’t save the status of what you just did, so I didn’t get rewarded with anything after spending 500. Just a heads up.
I got a pretty feather
I just got a shiny marble
Says a round glass marble. You can see colored glass inside the transparent marble.
I put 500 in the fountain and received a marble from my eevee
I put 500 in and it also is better to do 500 than 50 cuz u spend more money u get more of a very strong connection with ur pokemon! Just so ya know ?