Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee Nature Lady Fortune Teller - All Flower Combinations for picking captured Pokemon nature
There’s a Fortune Teller lady in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee that offers to set the nature of the pokemon you next capture in the wild. This is a very important feature for all the trainers looking to have Pokemon of certain nature in their collection. It is also a very expensive endeavor. She will ask for 10000 Pokédollars and then you have to choose one flower to water and one to thin. Choosing the appropriate color of the flower to water and thin determines the nature of the next wild Pokemon you catch. In this article you’ll be able to read about all the flower color combinations for all natures in Pokemon Let’s Go and how the nature fortune teller lady works in general.

Where is the Fortune Teller Nature Lady in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee?
She is located inside the Pokémon Center in Celadon City. This means it will take a while for you to reach her. You arrive into Celadon some time after you’ve finished about half the main story of the game. Enter the Pokemon medical center in Celadon and then you’ll see her leaned against the wall on the left. She has her faithful Abra with her. Pokemon center in Celadon is in the east part of the city, next to route 7. You’ll reach this city as part of the ghost in Lavender tower story.

Fortune Teller all Flower combinations – which flower to water and which to thin for specific Pokemon Nature?
Nature lady will ask flower of which color do you wish to water and which flower you want to thin. This had me confused at first, because I did not know the mechanics and 10000 I just gave is a lot of money. Once I figured out that depending on your choice she foretells that the Pokemon for the day will have a certain nature it was easy. We just had to go through each combo and see which water/thin color combo gave which nature to wild pokemon. So, for example, if you choose to water the red flower and thin the blue flower you will get pokemon with Adamant nature when you capture them in the wild.
Nature Defines which stats will get a bonus and which stats will get decreased. Color scheme of stats is Red = Attack, Yellow = Defense, Blue = Sp. Attack, Green = Sp. Defense and Pink = Speed. Buff your Pokemon with nature that compliments its moves the best. Here’s a list of all flower watering and thinning combinations you can choose to get certain nature for your pokemon in Pokemon Let’s Go.
Water | Thin | Pokemon Nature |
Red (+ ATK) | Yellow (-DEF) | Lonely |
Red (+ ATK) | Blue (- Sp. ATK) | Adamant |
Red (+ ATK) | Red (- ATK) | Hardy (no stats change) |
Red (+ ATK) | Green (- Sp. DEF) | Naughty |
Red (+ ATK) | Pink (- SPD) | Brave |
Yellow (+DEF) | Red (- ATK) | Bold |
Yellow (+DEF) | Yellow (-DEF) | Docile (no stats change) |
Yellow (+DEF) | Blue (- Sp. ATK) | Impish |
Yellow (+DEF) | Green (- Sp. DEF) | Lax |
Yellow (+DEF) | Pink (- SPD) | Relaxed |
Blue (+ Sp. ATK) | Red (- ATK) | Modest |
Blue (+ Sp. ATK) | Yellow (-DEF) | Mild |
Blue (+ Sp. ATK) | Blue (- Sp. ATK) | Bashful (no stats change) |
Blue (+ Sp. ATK) | Green (- Sp. DEF) | Rash |
Blue (+ Sp. ATK) | Pink (- SPD) | Quiet |
Green (+ Sp. DEF) | Red (- ATK) | Calm |
Green (+ Sp. DEF) | Yellow (-DEF) | Gentle |
Green (+ Sp. DEF) | Blue (- Sp. ATK) | Careful |
Green (+ Sp. DEF) | Green (- Sp. DEF) | Quirky (no stats change) |
Green (+ Sp. DEF) | Pink (- SPD) | Sassy |
Pink (+ SPD) | Red (- ATK) | Timid |
Pink (+ SPD) | Yellow (-DEF) | Hasty |
Pink (+ SPD) | Blue (- Sp. ATK) | Jolly |
Pink (+ SPD) | Green (- Sp. DEF) | Naive |
Pink (+ SPD) | Pink (- SPD) | Serious (no stats change) |
Does the fortune teller affect Mew nature?
We’ve seen people ask if the fortune teller lady can change nature of Mew you get in the Mystery gifts box, but that is unfortunately not the case. When you pay her 10000 and pick the flower combination of the nature you want this will change the nature of only the Pokemon you capture in the wild going forward. It does not affect nature of the pokemon you already have. Since you didn’t capture Mew in the wild, but rather got it from a box, its nature won’t change.
It ends after a real life day
You can easily just spend another 10k… It’s easy to get money!
Has anyone checked if this works for Go Park transfers?
Can confirm it works for go transfers. All my transfers are now adamant and I’m crying
Someone please tell me how to undo this??!!! I was playing in-game and had no idea what she did. Now all the natures are mild. How may I set back to normal?
The game says the effect will end after a day. I am not sure how long a day is in the game, but it should wear off at one point.