Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee IV Judge & How to Check IV
Checking Individual Values, or IVs, in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee shows you how good your Pokemon is. Essentially, Pokemon Let’s Go IVs are the stats of your Pokemon. Checking them allows you to see how high your Pokemon’s HP, Attack, Defense, Speed,a nd other attributes are. However, the option to check IVs in Pokemon Let’s Go on’t be available to you from the start; you’ll have to unlock it at the IV Judge NPC. Our Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee IV Judge & How to Check IV will eplain exactly how to do so.

Where to Find IV Judge Location in Pokemon Let’s Go?
To find the IV Judge in Pokemon Let’s Go, first, head to Vermilion City. There’s tons to do here, including getting an Alola Form Geodude and getting a Sailor outfit, among other stuff. However, the place you’re looking for is the one that’s basically a gateway leading to Route 11.
Go inside this building and climb upstairs. Once there, you can spot an NPC that looks like one of Professor Oak’s lab assistants. Talk to them, and you’ll find out that you can check the IVs of your Pokemon by taking a look at their Summary. Important note before we get into that, however: this NPC won’t give you the option to check IVs until you capture around 30 different Pokemon species.
How to Check Pokemon IV in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee?
To check your Pokemon IV in Pokemon Let’s Go, after speaking to the IV judge, press X to access the menu. From there, go into the Bag menu, and select Pokemon Box. Scroll through until you find the Pokemon you want to check, and select Summary. The last step is to press Y to see the Pokemon’s IV and stats and so on.
When you get to this menu, the game will show you how good certain stats (Individual Values, aka IVs) of your Pokemon are. The Values include HP, Special Attack, Special Defense, Speed, Attack, and Defense. The game will also give you verbal descriptions of how good certain stats are, ranging across Best, Not So Good, you get the idea.