Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee Evolution Stones - Where to Find
Evolution Stones in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee are necessary consumables you can find in the game. We say necessary, because you can’t evolve some Pokemon without Evolution Stones in Pokemon Let’s Go. There are several types of Pokemon Let’s Go evolution stones to find: Moon, Fire, Ice, Leaf, Water, and Thunder. Fortunately, you can get most of them in a single location. However, that won’t become available to you right of the bat. Plus, there’s one type of evolution stone in Pokemon Let’s Go that’s in a completely different location. Our Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee Evolution Stones – Where to Find guide aims to show you how to get the different evolution stones in the game, and their locations.

Where to Find Evolution Stones in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee?
To find Evolution Stones in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee, you’ll have to visit a specific store in Celadon Department Store. Before that, though, you have to play the main story until you battle and defeat the trainer in Pokemon Tower and Lavender Town. After you’ve completed the battle successfully, make your way back to Celadon City and the Department Store. Basically, all you have to do is head to the left from the eastern entrance into the city and the Pokemon Center. The entrance into the Department Store has a huge fountain in front.
Once in the department store, head into the elevator. Select the fourth floor. The option will read 4F: Wiseman Gifts. Exit the elevator on the fourth floor, and walk straight to the guy behind the counter. Talk to him, and select “I’m here to buy.” You’ll then have the chance to purchase any Evolution Stone you want. There’s Fire, Thunder, Water, Leaf, and Ice. Every one of them will cost you 5,000.
The only one missing from the Wiseman Gifts store is the Moon Stone. To get Moon Stones, there are several places you can look, including, of course, Mt Moon. For more detailed info, check out our Moon Stones Locations. Mt Moon is also the place where you’ll be able to choose between a Helix Fossil and Dome Fossil at one point. Celadon City is also full of important stuff to do, including learning how to fast travel, getting tea for the thirsty guard in Saffron City, and finding the Fortune Teller.
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