Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee Charmander Locations
Charmander locations in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee are places that Charmander has a chance to spawn. Unlike previous Pokemon games, Charmander isn’t a starter Pokemon in Pokemon Let’s Go. So, if you want to capture one for your Pokedex, you’ll have to find a Charmander in the wild. Our Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee Charmander Locations guide will show you exactly where to find Charmander in Pokemon Let’s Go.

Where to Find Charmander Locations in Pokemon Let’s Go?
To find Charmander in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee, there are several places that you can look. The first one is Route 4, the road between Pewter City and Cerulean City, in the top of the map. The second possibility is the Rock Tunnel, an area in the east, just north of Lavender Town. Option three is Route 21, the road in the southwest that connects Pallet Town and Cinnabar Island. The last two places where Charmanders tend to spawn are Route 22 and Route 23, both on the far left of the map, connecting Indigo Plateau and Viridian City.
As is the case with most other Pokemon, Charmander appears as a Wild Pokemon that you then have to catch. Now, Pokemon will mostly appear in the patches of tall grass. That’s not a rule, but it does happen fairly often. So, we managed to get a Charmander to spawn in these locations by using a lure to attract more Pokemon, because Charmander is kinda rare. We would engage all non-Charmanders, then escape the fight, to facilitate more spawns. Eventually, a Charmander appeared. Due to the nature of the spawns, though, you’re experience might vary.
Alternatively, you can talk to a man in a denim shirt and green pants on Route 24. That’s the path leading north of Cerulean City. You’ll run into the guy just after crossing Nugget Bridge. He’ll give you a Charmander after you’ve caught a total of 50 Pokemon.
If you need help with finding other Pokemon in the game, you can check out our Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee Pokemon Locations guide. We also have a bunch of other Pokemon Let’s Go guides, including Mega Evolution & Mega Stones Locations, Zapdos Legendary Bird – Where to Find, and more.