Pokemon Let's Go Best Farming Locations - Money, XP & Shiny
Getting money and experience in Pokemon Let’s Go takes a lot of time. Your team will level up slowly as you use them, and money will trickle as you progress through the game. There are ways to get that cash and XP points faster, but they require dedication and knowing the right tricks. If you’re ready for the comittment, we’re going to show you best farming locations in Pokemon Let’s Go, so you can make money and XP quickly, and even catch some shinies in the process.

Where to farm money and XP in Pokemon Let’s Go?
In order to farm cash, you’ll have to find a steady supply of items you can sell. Since items respawn after you’ve taken a certain number of steps, you can either go around the entire map, constantly collecting stuff as they pop up, or you could focuse on a single area that can satisfy your needs. One such area is the Cerulean Cave 2nd floor. This location only opens up after you beat the game – if you want to know exactly where it is, check out our Mewtwo guide.
You’ll find a bunch of items on that floor. Collect them all as you go, and choose one of the pokemon that spawn there regularly to build a chain with. That’s the loop – you go around, collect stuff and chain one kind of pokemon. The more you catch, the higher your chances of finding a shiny. The more you catch, the bigger the XP boost your pokemon will get. Before you know it, the items will have respawned, and you’ll be able to get another round of berries or whatnot to sell.
You can do this in a bunch of places – all you need is a location that is rich in items, so you can harvest them for money while farming XP and building up a chain.
Thanks to V4 Vanquish for the tip!