Seed of Mastery Pokemon Legends Arceus
The Seed of Mastery in Pokemon Legends Arceus is a special item that you can get in the game, but it’s not something you’ll find behind every corner. It is very valuable; you can take it to a specific NPC, and they will then help your Pokemon master a move. Therefore, you have to be very cautious how to use it. In this guide, we’re going to go into more detail about how to get and how to use the Seed of Mastery.

Pokemon Legends Arceus Seed of Mastery
The Seed of Mastery in Pokemon Legends Arceus is a special item that you can get by completing certain missions, like the “Coming Up Roses” request from Hiemo. Maybe you can also find it in the open world by thoroughly exploring the wild, but I’m not sure if that’s the case. We’ll be sure to update the guide with more info as we discover it. Either way, the item seems to be really rare, so be sure to use it carefully. Incidentally, if you’re wondering what one of those seeds looks like, it’s basically like a sunflower seed. So, what exactly does this precious seed actually do? Why is it so important?
The Pokemon Legends Arceus Seed of Mastery helps your Pokemon master a move. Relatively early in the game, as you’re doing the “A Request for Mai” quest, you’ll meet a character called Zisu. She’s a trainer of sorts, and she teaches you about move mastery in general, including how agile style and and strong style moves. That’s all stuff you can mess around with after your Pokemon has mastered a move. Speaking of which, Zisu can help your Pokemon master a move when you give her a Seed of Mastery. That’s why the item is so rare and useful.
Once you obtain a seed, go and talk to Zisu in the Training Grounds in Jubilife City. Select the option to master moves, then pick the Pokemon you want. Confirm your choice, and you’re good to go. Simple system, if you can get your hands on a Seed of Mastery.
I recommend farming the alpha snorlax in obsidian field lands.
Once you are around level 50 or 60 and have alphas on farm, these drop like skittles. So much so, they’re farmed to make money at end game