New Pokemon Legends Arceus Trailer Highlights Hisuian Zorua & Zoroark
There’s a new trailer out for Pokemon Legends: Arceus, and it focuses solely on the Hisuian versions of Zorua and Zoroark. The white-and-red Normal/Ghost type Pokemon presumably work differently than their original, Dark type versions from previous games, and the color swap does make them look more regal. Plus, there is a pre-purchase bonus themed around this arctic fox Pokemon, so it does seem like it’s gonna be pretty important in some capacity.

Hisuian Zorua & Zoroark Shown Off in New Pokemon Legends Arceus Trailer
The Hisuian Zorua and Zoroark are the main feature of the new trailer for Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Of course, these two Pokemon have featured in a number of previous games, but this time, the color palette is different. Rather than being black and red, the Hisuian Zorua and Zoroark are white and red. Their type is different, too, switching from Dark to Normal/Ghost. The new version of Zorua, to me, looks even more adorable than the original, but somehow, the white Zoroark looks even creepier.
That’s one of the many mysteries of the Hisui region that we’ll be unlocking while playing Pokemon Legends: Arceus. After all, the game is a prequel, taking place long before the events in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, but in the same area. That should be fun to explore, especially if you also play the remakes of Diamond and Pearl this November. Reminder: Arceus comes out on January 28th, 2022.
At the end of the trailer, we also learn about a Zorua/Zoroark-themed cosmetic item that you can get for pre-purchasing Arceus. Specifically, you can get the Baneful Fox Mask. There’s also the Hisuian Growlithe Kimono Set and thirty Heavy Balls. The latter is especially interesting to see, because the technology is older than what we see in Diamond and Pearl, so even the PokeBalls look steampunky.