Tapu Lele Weakness, Counters, Best Moveset in Pokemon GO
The Tapu Lele weakness, counters and best moveset in Pokemon GO have become the matter of some discussion among the player base lately, what with the Alolan event taking place at time of writing. You’ll be meeting Tapu Lele in raid battles, which means that you’ll need to know what its weakness and best counters are. So, that’s what we’ll be covering in this guide, and to top it off, we’ll give you some tips on what the best moveset for Tapu Lele is.

Pokemon GO Tapu Lele Weakness
We need to know what the Tapu Lele weakness in Pokemon GO is before we get into the best counters and moveset. Or several weaknesses, in this case. So, the first thing bit of information we need is what type of Pokemon Tapu Lele is. Well, it’s a Psychic/Fairy type Pokemon, meaning that it is weak against Ghost, Poison and Steel attacks, presumably taking up to 160% damage from those. On the other hand, Tapu Lele is strong against Dragon, Fighting and Psychic attacks. So, if you’re gonna be battling this Pokemon in raids, you’re going to want to put together a team of hard-hitters that deal Poison, Steel or Ghost damage. So, let’s give you a few options.
Tapu Lele Counters & Moveset in Pokemon GO
Now that we know the weakness of Pokemon GO Tapu Lele, let’s get into the counters and moveset. As we’ve said above, the best counters for this Pokemon are monsters that have Ghost, Poison and/or Steel attacks. In the list below, we’ll give you some options that should work a treat. If you have Tapu Lele counters that you like and we haven’t mentioned, let us know in the comments below.
- Metagross with Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash
- Mega Gengar with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball / Shadow Punch
- Gengar with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
- Mega Beedrill with Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb
- Mega Steelix with Iron Tail and Heavy Slam
- Excadrill with Metal Claw and Iron Head
- Roserade with Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb
- Chandelure with Hex and Shadow Ball
- Mega Aerodactyl with Steel Wing and Iron Head
As for the best moveset of Tapu Lele, that’s at least somewhat up to your needs and preferences. However, I think we can give you a few pointers. Tapu Lele’s Quick Moves include Confusion (Psychic) and Astonish (Ghost), the latter of which is definitely the inferior choice. As for Charged Attacks, your choices are Future Sight (Psychic), Psyshock (Psychic), Moonblast (Fairy) and Focus Blast (Fighting). Focus Blast is the worst choice of the bunch; as for the rest, it’s dealer’s choice. In my opinion, though, Psyshock is the best one.