Pokemon GO Starry Skies, Help Research Daytime or Nighttime Pokemon Choice
In our Pokemon GO Starry Skies, Help Research Daytime or Nighttime Pokemon Choice guide, we are going to give you the list of tasks in each of the two “branches” of the 2023 Solstice Horizons event. And, of course, we will also show you the rewards you are going to get depending on your Starry Skies choice. There’s a lot to get into, so let’s jump straight in.

Pokemon GO Starry Skies Choice, Help Research Daytime or Nighttime Pokemon
The choice between helping research daytime or nighttime Pokemon in Pokemon GO Starry Skies really only affects the tasks that you’ll have to do. The rewards remain the same no matter which route you choose to follow. So, the best choice for you is whichever one has the tasks you prefer. First off, here’s the list of quests you’ll need to do if you go the daytime route, and what the rewards are.
- Step 2
- Catch 20 Grass- or Bug-type Pokemon – 10x Poke Balls
- Explore 10 km – Encounter with Inkay
- Spin 25 PokeStops or Gyms – 10x Pinap Berries
- Rewards for completing every step: Encounter with Galarian Slowpoke, 15x Poke Balls, 78x Stardust
- Step 3
- Make 10 Curveball Throws in a row – 3000x Stardust
- Catch 50 Pokemon with Weather Boost – Encounter with Metang
- Earn 10 Candies walking with your buddy – 15x Great Ball
- Rewards for completing every step: Encounter with Starmie, 1x Mossy Lure Module, 789x Stardust
- Step 4
- Hatch 5 Eggs – 5x Silver Pinap Berries
- Catch 50 Psychic-type Pokemon – Encounter with Alakazam
- Earn 7,890 Stardust – 1x Star Piece
- Rewards for completing every step: Encounter with Cosmog, 20x Ultra Balls, 7890x Stardust
So, those are the daytime tasks and rewards in the Pokemon GO Starry Skies Help Research Daytime or Nighttime choice. Now for the nighttime tasks. As we’ve said, the rewards are exactly the same; you’re not going to miss put on anything regardless of what you choose.
- Step 2
- Catch 20 Ghost- or Dark-type Pokemon – 10x Poke Balls
- Take snapshots of 20 different wild Pokemon – Encounter with Inkay
- Use 30 Berries to help catch Pokemon – 10x Pinap Berries
- Rewards for completing every step: Encounter with Galarian Slowpoke, 15x Poke Balls, 78x Stardust
- Step 3
- Make 5 Excellent Throws – 3000x Stardust
- Catch 30 different species of Pokemon – Encounter with Metang
- Complete 15 Field Research tasks – 15x Great Ball
- Rewards for completing every step: Encounter with Starmie, 1x Mossy Lure Module, 789x Stardust
- Step 4
- Win 5 raids – 5x Silver Pinap Berries
- Catch 50 Psychic-type Pokemon – Encounter with Alakazam
- Earn 7,890 Stardust – 1x Star Piece
- Rewards for completing every step: Encounter with Cosmog, 20x Ultra Balls, 7890x Stardust