Pokemon GO Special Egg Event Favors Windy Weather Pokemon
After the Week of Legendary Battles in Pokemon GO, it’s time to reap the benefits. Since the Legendary Pokemon Rayquaza was victorious in the aforementioned event, Pokemon that thrive in windy weather will be hatching from Eggs more often. They’ll also appear more often in Raid Battles. Additionally, Rayquaza will stay in Raid Battles for a longer period of time.

Niatic is really rolling out the specialized events in Pokemon GO. Just as the Legendary Week of Raid Battles event wrapped up, there’s a whole new thing happening. Now, a while ago, they introduced different types of weather in Pokemon Go. Basically, what it boils down to is that certain Pokemon act differently depending on the weather in your area. So, that’s kinda what this revolves around. Since the legendary Pokemon Rayquaza was victorious in the Week of Raid Battles, Pokemon that prefer windy weather will appear in Eggs more often. This is going to be happening between March 5th and March 16th.
That’s not the end of it, though. Wind-loving Pokemon will be popping up in other places, too. Specifically, Raid Battles at gyms will “also favor appearances by Pokemon that prefer windy weather.” Additionally, to reward players for their “enthusiasm and hard work,” you’ll be able to take advantage of a double-XP bonus until March 16th.
And on top of all of that, the Week of Raid Battles isn’t really over yet. Groudon and Kyogre have left the raid battles for now, but not Rayquaza (it being “victorious” and all). That Legendary Pokemon will stick around in raid battles until March 16th. You have ten more days to defeat Rayquaza and attempt to capture it. Oh, and if you’re lacking Premium Raid Passes, and don’t mind spending money on them, you can buy them in special boxes until March 11th.