Shiny Togedemaru in Pokemon GO 2022
In our Shiny Togedemaru in Pokemon GO 2022 guide, we are going to share all the info we have on the new roly-poly Pokemon. Mind you, there’s not much to go by, considering that Togedemaru has just made its debut in the game. However, we do know some stuff about it, so let’s dive straight into it.

Can Togedemaru be Shiny in Pokemon GO 2022
As far as we know, Togedemaru cannot be shiny in Pokemon GO in 2022. At least, that’s the case at the moment. If you look closely at the post detailing the Test Your Mettle event, you’ll notice that the new Pokemon doesn’t have the little stars in its icon. That usually means that there is no shiny version of the Pokemon in the game. However, the adorable little Electric / Steel mouse-thing has only just made its debut at time of writing, so we haven’t been able to confirm anything by ourselves. So, if you’ve come across a special variant of Togedemaru, tell in the comments below, and we’ll be sure to update the guide accordingly. And even if there is no shiny yet, Niantic might add it later.
So, that’s all we know about whether or not Togedemaru can be shiny in Pokemon GO in 2022. As for more general info, it’s Electric / Steel, as we’ve already said. Considering how small it is, and that it has no evolution, it’s surprisingly strong. Plus, it’s resistant against many different Pokemon types (though it does seem to be very weak against Ground, Fire and Fighting). So, it’s definitely worth the trouble. During the Test Your Mettle event, Togedemaru will spawn in wild encounters, one-star Raids, and Field Research tasks. Other things that you can look forward to are five-star Raid battles against Celesteela and Kartana, Mega Aggron in Mega Raids, and a lot more. We’ll probably cover some of it in our guides, so stay tuned!