Shiny Doduo Pokemon GO, Doduo Spotlight Hour
In our Shiny Doduo Pokemon GO, Doduo Spotlight Hour guide, we are going to give you all the details of the upcoming event. We will cover when the June 27th Spotlight Hour will begin and end, what the bonus is going to be and, of course, whether Doduo can be shiny and how to tell the difference. Without further ado, let’s jump straight into it!

Pokemon GO Doduo Spotlight Hour June 2023
The June 2023 Doduo Spotlight Hour in Pokemon Go, which will also feature the shiny version of the two-headed bird, will take place on June 27th. That’s a Tuesday, as is always the case with these events. More specifically, you’ll be able to enjoy the Spotlight Hour from 6 PM local time to 7 Pm local time. During this hour, Doduo will be appearing much more often in the wild. If you want to stock up on them, this is Naturally, the event will feature a special bonus. This time around, it will be 2x Evolution XP. That means you’ll get twice the experience every time you evolve a Pokemon during the event, even if it’s not Doduo.
Can Doduo be Shiny in Pokemon GO
Yes, Doduo can be shiny in Pokemon GO, so if you want one, then be sure to take part in the Spotlight Hour. It should be easy to tell a regular Doduo from the special version. The normal “edition” is brown and kinda drab, while the shiny is a cheerful, light green. So, that shouldn’t be much of a problem, assuming you can see green. Either way, you will want to approach as many Doduos as you can if you’re on a shiny hunt. In fact, that is the only real draw of the event; the bonus is nice, but neither Doduo and its evolution Dodrio are particularly useful in battles. It’s really only for getting that elusive shiny.