Shiny Chinchou in Pokemon GO 2022
Those of you trying to get your hands on a shiny Chinchou in Pokemon GO in 2022, you’re in luck! The special version of this particular Pokemon will be spawning quite a bit more often in the next few coming days. In this guide, we are going to tell you how to tell a shiny Chinchou from a regular one, and much more. Let’s dive in!

Can Chinchou Be Shiny in Pokemon GO
As you can see in the image above, yes, Chinchou can absolutely be shiny in Pokemon GO in 2022. In fact, odds are you’ll be encountering a fair amount of them during the 2022 Festival of Lights. According to the post, one of the event bonuses is that you’ll “have an increased chance of encountering Shiny Chinchou.” It will be appearing in the wild, as well as in Field Research task encounters. So, if you don’t have a shiny version of this Pokemon, then this event will be a good chance to go for it. The differences are also fairly obvious: the shiny is a light, marine blue, and its “light bulbs” are green instead of yellow. Don’t forget that you can then evolve it into a shiny Lanturn.
So, that’s basically all you need to know when it cones to shiny Chinchou in Pokemon GO in 2022, and presumably in the future. This year’s Festival of Lights will kick off on October 14th, and you’ll have until the 17th to farm for the special version of the Water / Electric Pokemon. Granted, neither Chicnhou nor Lanturn are particularly super-useful in very major battles, but they can come in handy at times. After all, they can have both Electric and Water attacks, and they are resistant to Water, Flying, Ice and Fire attacks, and especially Steel attacks. On the other hand, keep in mind that they’re very squishy against Ground and Grass attacks. Don’t send them against those.