Pokemon GO Primal Groudon or Primal Kyogre, Which is Better
In our Pokemon GO Primal Groudon or Primal Kyogre, Which is Better guide, we are going to talk about which of the two Pokemon is best to go for if you have to choose between them. Both of these Pokemon are very strong and worth pursuing, so if you have to make a choice, which should you go for? Let’s find out.

Which Primal is Better – Groudon or Kyogre in Pokemon GO
Before we dive into which Primal is better in Pokemon GO, Groudon or Kyogre, we do have to say that both of these are really, really good. Neither are necessarily the top picks as counters, but they are definitely strong second picks. With that being the case, we have to base the choice on which Pokemon gets the biggest boost from its Primal status. Of course, both Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre are stronger that their regular counterparts, but the former benefits more. Primal Kyogre is more powerful than the regular version, absolutely, but Kyogre is more versatile in high-level Raids overall.
So, if you have to choose between Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre in Pokemon GO, Groudon is the better pick simply due to its usefulness in Raids. But, of course, the choice also depends on which creatures you have in your storage. If you don’t have many powerful Water Pokemon, but you do have Ground-types, then you should probably go for Kyogre instead. Again, both are very solid picks for level 5 Raids and above, so both are very viable options. Therefore, feel free to make the pick that best suits you. This pertains mostly to the Ruby or Sapphire choice, but also in general. And, as far as we know, both of these Pokemon can be shiny, if that changes things at all for you. And that’s about all the advice we have for you.