Pokemon Go Turtwig Spotlight Hour - Shiny Turtwig November 2021
This November 2021 brings the Pokemon Go Turtwig Spotlight Hour, and you will never have a better time to catch a shiny Turtwig. Spotlight Hour is one of the many events in Pokemon Go organized by Niantic. Each week, a different Pokemon will take the spotlight. For one-hour, special rewards will come with increased spawn rates for that selected Pokemon. Read on as we give you the lowdown on the Turtwig Spotlight Hour.

Turtwig Spotlight Hour – Pokemon GO
November 16th, 2021, will see the event begin at 6 pm local time and last for one hour. In addition to the extra numbers of Turtwig, you can get a special bonus every week. This week, it is 2 x catch stardust.
Can Turtwig Be Shiny?
There is a shiny Turtwig in Pokemon Go, and you will never have a better time to get your hands on it. This Pokemon made its debut during the September 2019 community day event. The more encounters you have with Turtwig, the more chance you have to meet one. Unfortunately, you need your wits about you. Shiny Turtwig does not look that different from its normal counterpart. Look out for a more turquoise color scheme with green pincers on its face.
The key to catching a shiny is to increase the number of encounters you have with the Pokemon. One way to do this is to catch the number of standard Turtwig you want, then flee from encounters. This will get you onto the next battle much quicker.
When you do find one, you need to arrive prepared. Make sure you are well stocked up on Pokeballs and Ultraballs. Bring along a lot of berries to make catching easier. Finally, clear out your storage box so you have plenty of space. You can also lay incense to attract even more Pokemon to your location.