Pokemon Go Marvelous Minds Challenge
The Pokémon Go Marvelous Minds Collection Challenge is the latest event in Niantic’s mobile hit, offering players the chance to expand their Pokédex and earn valuable rewards. This challenge is part of the broader Psychic Spectacular event, which features various Psychic-type Pokémon and offers multiple collection tasks for Trainers to complete.

Marvellous Minds Collection Challenge: Evolve & Catch
The Marvelous Minds Challenge centers around evolving specific Psychic-type Pokémon to complete the collection. Players are tasked with catching and evolving several Pokémon from the Psychic-type category. To successfully complete the challenge, you’ll need to collect and evolve Pokémon like Spritzee, Swirlix, Morelull, Elgyem, and Inkay. All pokemon can be found in the wild, or as an event-exclusive research tasks. After completing this challenge your rewards are: Hatenna encounter, 1000 Stardust.
The Marvelous Minds: Evolve Collection Challenge is the second challenge running as part of the Pokémon Go Psychic Spectacular event, which concludes on Sunday, September 22nd, at 8 PM. It’s crucial to note that Pokémon needed for this challenge must be obtained through evolution. Capturing these Pokémon in other ways won’t count toward your progress in the challenge. Below is a list of the Pokémon required for the Marvelous Minds: Evolve Collection Challenge, along with instructions on how to find them.
- Ralts – Can be found in the wild
- Kirlia – Only by evolving Ralts with 25 Ralts Candy
- Gardevoir – Only by evolving Kirlia with 100 Ralts Candy
- Solosis – Can be found in the wild
- Duosion – Only by evolving Solosis with 25 Solosis Candy
- Reuniclus – Only by evolving Duosion with 100 Solosis Candy
Rewards: 5000 XP and Hatenna encounter.
In conclusion, the Marvelous Minds Challenge in Pokémon Go provides an exciting opportunity to evolve Psychic-type Pokémon and earn valuable rewards. With increased spawn rates and event-specific tasks, this challenge is perfect for both casual players and dedicated Trainers. Be sure to evolve your Pokémon before the event ends to take full advantage of this limited-time challenge!