What is Pokemon GO Fest 2022
In our What is Pokemon GO Fest 2022 guide, we’re going to go through a few major, important points of the event. Mainly, we’ll be focusing on when it’s going to take place and explain how you can participate. The rest, I believe, will be much more interesting if you discover it on your own. With that said, let’s dive in.

Pokemon GO Fest 2022 Explained
The first important thing about Pokemon GO Fest 2022 to get through are the times and dates. The event will take place over the course of three days. The main “leg” of the festival will actually happen on Saturday, June 4th and Sunday, June 5th, from 10 AM to 6 PM local time. Then, on August 27th, you can look forward to “a special finale event,” the details of which are still mostly unknown. We just know that it will feature “a new Special Research story, exciting Pokémon encounters, and more.” Everyone who purchases a ticket for the first two days will get a free ticket for the August event, but separate tickets will be available for $11.
Speaking of tickets, they are already available in the in-game store for $15 for both days. Tap the event icon in the shop, then tap the “Buy” button. After you get the confirmation, tap OK and the ticket will be in your Item Bag. You’ll also get a Pokemon GO Fest 2022 medal a few days before the even kicks off. Be sure to log in on both days of the festival to pick up the Special Research stories, which you can then complete at any time. Ticket holders will get special perks, as listed in the official Fest 2022 announcement post.
Now, there are many, many things you can expect to see in the festival, too numerous for this guide, so I encourage you to read through the text linked above. One of the main draws is Shaymin, the Gratitude Pokemon. A lot of the event will be revolving around it, but it’s far from the only feature.