Pokemon GO Generation 2 - Candy You Should Stock Up On

Generation 2 Evolutions in Pokemon GO – Candy
The long-awaited Generation 2 Pokemon are coming to Pokemon GO very soon, maybe even in a matter of hours. Trainers worldwide have a whole ton of new Pokemon to catch, as well as other features, such as the Nearby mechanic, and so on. On top of that, Pokemon that we’ve already seen in the game will get more evolutions. Of course, more evolutions means more candy you’ll need. We’ve compiled a list of these Pokemon, which candy you’ll need, and the amount of candy you might need to evolve them into new creatures. Keep in mind, this is just guesswork. We don’t know anything for certain as of now.
- Crobat – Zubat Candy
Crobat is the final form of Zubat. Considering that this is a third evolution (Zubat – Golbat – Crobat), it will probably cost 100 Zubat candies to evolve Golbat into Crobat. Finally, some use for the dozens of Zubats spawning in my neighborhood. - Kingdra – Horsea Candy
Right now, Horsea can evolve into Seadra. In Gen 2, we should get the next step – Kingdra. This evolution will probably take 100 Horsea candies, provided you already have Seadra. - Slowking – Slowpoke Candy
Slowking is an evolution of Slowpoke. You’ll probably need either 50 or even 100 Slowpoke candies to evolve. - Blissey – Chancey Candy
Blissey is a stronger and more adorable version of Chancey. You’ll likely need 50 candies to evolve a Blissey, and considering the HP that cute s.o.b. will have, it’ll be worth it. - Politoed – Poliwag Candy
If we’re correct, this will be a branching evolution. From Poliwhirl, you can head on to Poliwrath or Politoed. We don’t know how the branching evolution activates, but we can assume you’ll need 100 Poliwag candies to get there. - Porygon 2 – Porygon Candy
Porygon 2 is literally a smoother version of Porygon, with higher stats. The evolution will probably require 50 candies. - Bellossom – Oddish Candy
Bellossom is another branching evolution. Again, we’re not sure how the branch will be triggered, but it’s pretty certain you’ll need a Gloom and 100 candies. - Scizor – Scyther Candy
In other Pokemon games, Scyther evolves into Scizor using a mechanic that does not appear in Pokemon GO, namely trading your Pokemon and using a certain item. Therefore, either we’ll get the mechanic in Pokemon GO, or you’ll just need the 50 Scyther candies. The latter is more probable. - Steelix – Onix Candy
We’ll just use the same logic as above. Since it’s unlikely that we’ll get trading in Pokemon GO, I’d prepare 50 candies and a very strong Onix. - Espeon and Umbreon – Eeevee Candy
In other Pokemon games, Eevee evolves into Umbreon or Espeon depending on the Happiness of the Pokemon. We can only guess how it will work in Pokemon GO. Some trainers speculate that it might have something to do with it being day or night when you evolve your Eevee. Perhaps it’ll stay the same, in that you’ll need give your Eevee a certain name. Either way, these evolutions will probably require 25 candies, just like all the others. Umbreon is a Dark Pokemon, Espeon is a Psychic Pokemon, so take your pick.
This is the list we could compile, with our candy cost predictions. If we’ve missed anything, or you think you have a better estimate, please let us know in the comments!