Pokemon GO Pancham Evolution into Pangoro 2023
In our Pokemon GO Pancham Evolution into Pangoro 2023 guide, we are going to explain how to evolve the panda-like Pokemon into its more powerful version. The system is a little confusing, because the game doesn’t really explain what “adventuring together” means. But don’t worry, we are here to help. Let’s begin!

How to Evolve Pancham Into Pangoro Pokemon GO 2023
To evolve Pancham into Pangoro in Pokemon GO in 2023, be it a shiny Pancham or regular evolution, you will need to get fifty Candies. That part is pretty simple, right? But there’s also that extra requirement, where you got to go adventuring together for the Pokemon to evolve. What the heck does that mean? Well, like most people’ve gathered already, it means that you have to set the Pancham as your Buddy Pokemon. That’s not the end of it, though. You and Pancham then must catch thirty-two Dark-type Pokemon. I mean, you can go above that, but there’s no need. Once you catch thirty-two Dark-type Pokemon with Pancham as your buddy, only then can you use those fifty Candies to complete the evolution process.
And there you have it, that’s how the evolution of the shiny and regular Pancham into Pangoro works in Pokemon GO in 2023, and presumably in the future. I keep mentioning the shiny Pancham, and that’s because you’ll finally be able to get the special version of the Pokemon in PoGO. It can hatch from twelve-kilometer Eggs during the Team GO Rocket Takeover that will take place from June 21st to June 25th, as a part of the Solstice Horizons event. We have more guides on the subject, like Help Research Daytime or Nighttime Pokemon Choice and Explore 2km in Pokemon GO. Give them a read if you need the help. And do keep in mind that there’s no guarantee that you’ll get a shiny Pancham from the twelve-kilometer Eggs, but it’s worth a shot.