Machop Spotlight Hour Pokemon GO, Shiny Machop July 2022
In our Machop Spotlight Hour Pokemon GO, Shiny Machop July 2022 guide, we’re going to give you all the important details of the mini-event. We will show you when it’s going to take place, what the event bonus is going to be, and whether or not Machop can be shiny. So, with all of that said, let’s get into the details.

Pokemon GO Machop Spotlight Hour
The Machop Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour will begin on Tuesday, July 12th, 2022 and will feature all the usual trappings of these mini-events, such as the shiny versions appearing more often. As is always the case, the Spotlight Hour will take place from 6 PM local time to 7 PM local time. Naturally, you’ll also get to enjoy the event bonus which, in this case, is going to be double Catch Candy. In other other words, you’ll get twice the Candies when you catch a Pokemon. This is probably going to be true for all Pokemon, not just Machop. That said, the little fighting critter is going to be the true “man” of the hour.
Can Machop Be Shiny?
Yes, Machop can be shiny in Pokemon GO, and, as usual, the Spotlight Hour event always gives you better odds of catching at least one. Even if you already have a shiny Machop, might as well go for another. Considering that the bonus this week is double Catch Candy, you can grind out a lot of them and evolve your Machops, shiny or regular, into more Machokes and Machamps. If you don’t have a shiny Machomp and don’t know what the difference is, but trust me, you’ll know one when you see one. While the regular version is the usual blueish color, the shiny variant is a sickly shade of puke-green. Still, a shiny is a shiny, no matter if it looks like a loogie.