Pokemon GO Little Cup Best Pokemon & Teams in 2023
The Pokemon GO Little Cup best Pokemon and teams in 2023 are going to be important knowledge while the Season 14 cup is happening. The Pokemon you want to use need to meet several requirements, and also need to fit into a comprehensive team. That’s why, in this guide, we’ll give you a list of the best Pokemon to use in the cup, as well as a few suggestions for teams.

Pokemon GO Little Cup Best Pokemon
Before we dive into the best Pokemon and teams in the 2023 Season 14 Pokemon GO Little Cup, we have to go over the limitations. There are two. The first one is that any entrees have to be at 500 CP or below. The second is that any Pokemon you want to use has to be able to evolve in order to participate. Hence the name Little Cup; only the tiny tykes can take part in the proceedings. With that said, here are some Pokemon that should work really well, in no particular order. Feel free to share your ideas in the comments below.
- Bronzor
- Deino
- Seel
- Alolan Vulpix
- Kanto Vulpix
- Cottonee
- Ducklett
- Shelmet
- Wynaut
- Growlithe
- Stunky
- Lickitung
- Igglybuff
- Salandit
- Pawniard
Pokemon GO Little Cup Best Team in 2023
The best team for the 2023 Pokemon GO Little Cup can be any combination of the Pokemon we’ve listed above. Of course, you need to make sure that you choose your opener, switch and closer carefully, but still, most combos should do fairly well. You just have to have a good spread of different types of damage and resistances. We’re going to give you some team suggestions; again, feel free to give us your combinations in the comments.
- Cottonee – Kanto Vulpix – Growlithe
- Bronzor – Igglybuff – Pawniard
- Alolan Vulpix – Seel – Pawniard
- Bronzor – Stunky – Cottonee
- Ducklett – Bronzor – Kanto Vulpix
- Bronzor – Shelmet – Growlithe
- Alolan Vulpix – Shelmet – Wynaut