Pokemon Go Introducing Rayquaza & More Hoenn Region Pokemon
Pokemon GO is getting even more Generation 3 Pokemon from the Hoenn Region. Additionally, the Legendary Pokemon Rayquaza will be coming to Raid Battles as a boss. The new Hoenn Region Pokemon won’t just be appearing in the wild encounters, but also in Eggs and Raid battles. This will include several different Dragon- and Flying-type Pokemon, and a lot more.

Niantic is releasing a large batch of Hoenn region Pokemon, aka Gen 3 Pokemon, on February 9th. According to Pokemon GO Live, this will include several Dragon-type and Flying-type Pokemon, such as Salamence and Altaria. On top of that, the Legendary Pokemon Rayquaza will be available in Raid Battles until March 16th. Additionally, Pokemon from the Hoenn region will “take over wild encounters until February 13th.” So, if you’re low on Generation Three Pokemon, then this weekend will be your shot to grab a bunch of them.
That’s not the end, either. Pardon the expression, but there’s more. Not only will more Hoenn region Pokemon be popping up in the wild, but Raid Battles and Eggs that you hatch will have some different Pokemon. Sure, it’ll likely still be somewhat random, but hey! Naturally, this kind of event can’t just go by without special bundles in the in-game store. From February 9th, you’ll be able to pick up new special boxes, which will contain Star Pieces, Raid Passes, and Incubators. The special boxes will stay in the store until February 23rd. Oh, and Lure Modules will keep lasting for six hours, also until February 23rd.
To close off, a little reminder. The Legendary Pokemon Kyogre is still available for you to catch, if you defeat it as a Raid Boss. That being said, it’ll only stick around until February 14th. So, make sure you don’t miss your chance.