Pokemon Go Introducing Armored Mewtwo in Limited Time Raid Battles
Niantic is turning the heat up in Pokemon Go raids this summer. From July 10th to the end of the month, you’ll be encountering Armored Mewtwo in five-star raids. Which, I mean, just how powerful could a single creature get? There will also be special, themed cosmetic items in the Style shop for those of you that are into that sort of thing.

Mewtwo is pretty much the most powerful creature in the Pokemon universe, aside from the original Mew. Or is it? I don’t know; they keep constantly retconning stuff whenever they add Pokemon in new installments. Either way, when it comes to Pokemon Go, Mewtwo is pretty much the top of the food chain. So, it only makes sense to make it even cooler and more powerful by putting it in a hi-tech suit of armor, right? What could possibly go wrong if a (sometimes genocidal) demigod becomes even harder to defeat?
Be that as it may, it’s exactly what’s going to take place in Pokemon Go, and very soon, according to the announcement. In a limited time event, from July 10 at 1:00 p.m. PDT to July 31 at 1:00 p.m. PDT you’ll have the chance to meet Armored Mewtwo in five-star raids. So, only the strong need apply, if you want even a chance to capture this Psychic-type Pokemon. You have a three-week window that begins, as of writing this article, in two days. Start preparing as soon and as thoroughly as possible.
While the event is going on, you’ll also be able to get some new items in the Style shop to “show off your prowess for power and aesthetics”. But only if you consider yourself a “true Mewtwo trainer,” and are the kind of person to show that off through buying cosmetics. Meanwhile, before the whole shebang begins, you can check out the little teaser trailer for Armored Mewtwo below.