How to Get Baby Pokemon in Pokemon GO - Generation 2 Eggs

Baby Pokemon in Pokemon GO – How to Catch Them
We finally got Generation 2 Pokemon in Pokemon GO. So far, the only way to get them is by hatching Eggs. The seven that have been confirmed are hiding in 2 km and 10 km Eggs. We’ve compiled a list of these Pokemon, which eggs they’re hiding in, and which Pokemon they evolve into.
- Togepi
Togepi evolves into Togetic. It hatches from a 2 km Egg. - Pichu
Pichu is the baby version of Pikachu. You can hatch it from a 2 km Egg. - Cleffa
Baby Cleffa can evolve into Clefairy, and you need a 2 km Egg to have a chance to hatch it. - Igglybuff
Igglybuff is basically baby Jigglypuff, and yes, it’s just as adorable as it sounds. You can get it from a 2 km Egg. - Elekid
You can evlove Elekid into Electabuzz. To hatch it, you gotta have a 10 km Egg. - Magby
Magby turns into Magmar when you evolve it, and it hatches from a 10 km Egg. - Smoochum
Smoochum is the kinda scary-looking baby version of Jynx. They can also be found in 10 km Eggs.
One important thing to know, however, is that these Pokemon only hatch from Gen 2 Eggs. This means that none of the eggs collected prior to the 12/12 update hold Gen 2 Pokemon. Players are not taking to kindly to this, since most of us will have to hatch a bunch of eggs we have from earlier before we can even attempt to get the new Pokemon. The system will especially hurt free-to-play trainers, considering most of them only have one or two incubators. Additionally, even after they manage to clear up the old eggs, there’s no guarantee that future eggs will net a Gen 2 Pokemon. Their eggs look just like the old ones. With the winter coming along, this task is even harder. A lot of trainers have been vocal about their frustration, so maybe Niantic will rework the system.