How to Beat Arlo May 2022 Pokemon GO
Team Rocket has long been one of the synonyms for villainy in the Pokemon setting. Pokemon GO is no exception to this rule, as you can battle several high-ranking Team Rocket GO members in this mobile game. One of these is Arlo. His Pokemon can be very hard to beat if you do not know the best counters for them. In this May 2022 Pokemon GO guide, we will show you how to beat Arlo and all of his Pokemon: Exeggcute, Salamence, Alolan Exeggutor, Dragonite, Scizor, Steelix, and Gardevoir.

Pokemon Go Arlo Counters May 2022
The battle against Arlo is divided into three phases. He will always send out Exeggcute as his first pick. This is followed either by Salamence, Alolan Exeggutor, or Dragonite. Finally, in the third round, you will need to defeat Scizor, Steelix, or Gardevoir.
- Exeggcute – Grass / Psychic-type Pokemon. Weak to Flying, Poison, Ghost, Fire, Ice, Dark, and especially to Bug moves.
- Salamence – Dragon / Flying-type Pokemon. Weak to Rock, Dragon, Fairy, and particularly to Ice moves.
- Alolan Exeggutor – Grass / Dragon-type Pokemon. Like Exxegcute, it has the same weaknesses: Flying, Poison, Ghost, Fire, Ice, Dark, and especially to Bug moves.
- Dragonite – Dragon / Flying-type Pokemon. Weak to Rock, Dragon, Fairy, and most of all – Ice.
- Scizor – Bug / Steel-type Pokemon. It has only one weakness – Fire.
- Steelix – Ground / Steel-type Pokemon. Weak to Fighting, Ground, Fire, and Water.
- Gardevoir – Fairy / Psychic-type Pokemon. Weak to Poison, Ghost, and Steel.
How to Beat Arlo in Pokemon GO May 2022
Since Exeggcute is weak to Bug moves, you should use Pokemon such as Yanmega, Pinsir, Darmanitan, and Reshiram against it. For Salamence, exploit its Ice weakness and employ Mamoswine, Glaceon, Palkia, and Weavile. The Alolan Exeggutor shares all of Exeggcute’s weaknesses, so you can stick to Bug-type Pokemon moves. Dragonite is similar to Salamance, so also use as much Ice moves as you can against it. Scizor is only weak to Fire, so Pokemon like Charizard, Entei, Blaziken, and Darmanitan are great picks here. For Steelix, go with Swampert, Conkeldurr, Reshiram, and Entei. Finally, Gardevoir is susceptible to Gengar, Dialga, Chandelure, Metagross, and Hoopa.