How to Beat Arlo Pokemon GO July 2023
Ever since the first Pokemon game came out, Team Rocket has been the most prominent villainous organization in the setting. Naturally, Pokemon GO is the same in this regard, and Team Rocket GO members are some of the most dangerous foes you will face in this game. Arlo is one such high-ranking member of this organization, and it can take a lot of strategy to defeat him. This is because Arlo has several Pokemon at his disposal and you can never be sure which ones he is going to use in his three-phase fight. That is why you need to know the best counters against all of them. In this guide, we are going to show you how to beat Arlo in Pokemon GO this July 2023.

How to Beat Arlo in Pokemon GO July 2023
The fight against Arlo consists of three rounds. In Round #1, he will always use Shadow Aipom. Things get more complicated for the second round, as he can use either Shadow Alakazam, Shadow Mismagius, or Shadow Sharpedo. Likewise, in the third and final round, you will have to defeat Shadow Scizor, Shadow Snorlax, or Shadow Magnezone. In the next section, we’ll go over the best counters to employ against all of them.
Pokemon GO Arlo Counters July 2023
First up – Shadow Aipom:
- Tyranitar: Smack Down and Brutal Swing.
- Lucario: Counter and Power-Up Punch.
- Machamp: Counter and Cross Chop.
- Conkeldurr: Counter and Dynamic Punch.
In round two, you will need to defeat Shadow Alakazam, Shadow Mismagius, or Shadow Sharpedo. Let’s start with Shadow Alakazam:
- Tyranitar: Smack Down and Brutal Swing.
- Hydreigon: Dragon Breath and Brutal Swing.
- Gardevoir: Charm and Synchronoise.
- Latias: Dragon Breath and Mist Ball.
Shadow Mismagius:
- Hydreigon: Dragon Breath and Brutal Swing.
- Tyranitar: Smack Down and Brutal Swing.
- Snorlax: Lick and Body Slam.
- Pangoro: Snarl and Close Combat.
And – Shadow Sharpedo:
- Lucario: Counter and Power-Up Punch.
- Machamp: Counter and Cross Chop.
- Torterra: Razor Leaf and Frenzy Plant.
- Conkeldurr: Counter and Dynamic Punch.
In the final round, you can go up against Shadow Scizor, Shadow Snorlax, or Shadow Magnezone. We’ll begin with Shadow Scizor:
- Charizard: Fire Spin and Blast Burn.
- Entei: Fire Spin and Flame Charge.
- Chandelure: Incinerate and Shadow Ball.
- Heatran: Fire Spin and Flamethrower.
Next – Shadow Snorlax:
- Tyranitar: Smack Down and Brutal Swing.
- Conkeldurr: Counter and Dynamic Punch.
- Machamp: Counter and Cross Chop.
- Obstagoon: Counter and Night Slash.
Finally – Shadow Magnezone:
- Swampert: Mud Shot and Hydro Cannon.
- Rhydon: Mud Slap and Stone Edge.
- Rhyperior: Mud Slap and Rock Wrecker.
- Stunfisk: Mud Shot and Mud Bomb.