Pokemon Go Hoopa - Release Date & Time
The release date and time of Hoopa in Pokemon Go has been a matter of interest among the fan base as soon as Niantic announced the arrival of the new Pokemon in the Season of Mischief. The fervor is completely understandable; after all, it’s a brand new Pokemon in a Pokemon game. You want to get your hands on it as soon as possible to fill your Pokedex. That being the case, we’ll explain when you can start looking for Hoopa in this guide.

Release Date & Time of Hoopa in Pokemon Go
The release date and time of Hoopa in Pokemon Go is Sunday, September 5th, at 10AM local time. That’s when the long-awaited Psychic Pokemon is going to arrive in the game. Of course, before you can actually attempt to catch it, there are a few prerequisites you need to meet. You’ll have to play through the Season of Mischief special research tasks. As the official blog post states, the set of tasks that will unlock access to Confined Hoopa will launch on September 5th, too. I don’t know whether you need to complete all the previous research tasks, but you probably should, just in case. If you need any assistance with it, feel free to check out our Misunderstood Mischief guide.
In fact, based on the message that you get after completing the first step of the Mischief research, I’d say that you should definitely finish it before attempting the next step that unlocks Hoopa. The message reads: “Professor Willow is currently performing an investigation regarding this research. Check back for more details soon!” That sounds to me like the first section is actually a prerequisite to even get to play the second one. Granted, that’s all conjecture on my part at this point, of course; we’ll only get solid info on September 5th. However, I’m fairly certain I’m correct here.