How to Get Metal Coat Pokemon GO 2022
If you want to know how to get a Metal Coat in Pokemon GO in 2022, you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to show you how to obtain this particular evolution item, how to increase your chances of getting it, and what it’s used for. With that said, let’s dive straight in.

How to Get Metal Coat in Pokemon GO 2022
To get the Metal Coat Pokemon GO evolution item in 2022, you’re going to have to spin many, many Photo Discs. That is the only way to get one, as far as we know. Feel free to correct us in the comments if that is not the case. The major problem is that the drop rates of all evolution items are about one percent, which is pretty brutal. If you’re super unlucky, you might end up spinning hundreds of discs before finally getting your hands on the dang thing. So, whenever you manage to obtain the Metal Coat, be sure to save it and only use it when you’re a hundred percent certain you have a good evolution candidate. That brings us neatly to our next point.
Now that we know how to get the Metal Coat in Pokemon GO in 2022, what do you actually use it for? Well, this particular evolution item is necessary in order to evolve Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor. So, be sure to only expend a Metal Coat when you have a Scyther or Onix that will be worth the investment. Before we wrap up, we do have to mention that spinning the same Photo Disc for seven days in a row grants you significantly more items on the seventh day. That might slightly increase your odds of nabbing a Metal Coat. If you’re inclined towards PvP, you can play the Go Battle League to earn Mystery Items in hopes that one of them is a Coat.