Pokemon Go Generation 2 - New baby Pokemon Pichu & Togepi hatching from Eggs
After a big announcement about new addition to the world of Pokemon Go, Niantic has finally unveiled long-awaited new Pokemon. If you thought that new Pokemon would be some Legendary Generation 1 Pokemon, well you’ll be a little disappointed. We still don’t know how many Pokemon have been added to the game, but so far, Niantic has confirmed two Pokemon – Pichu (the baby form of Pikachu) and Togepi (from video games Pokémon Gold and Silver).
These new Generation 2 Pokémon can only be hatched from eggs, and unfortunately you’ll not be able to spot them in the wild. We’ll try to hatch some eggs today and find out if you can get Generation 2 Pokemon from old eggs, or you have to get new ones. Another question that pops up is whether they hatch from 2km, 5km or 10km eggs?

Professor Willow has discovered Togepi and Pichu hatching from Eggs! Starting later today, Trainers will have the opportunity to hatch these and several other Pokémon that were originally discovered in the Johto Region in Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver video games. These are the first of more Pokémon coming to Pokémon GO over the next few months. Be sure to use the hashtag #PokemonGO on Twitter to share your experiences as you explore your local neighborhoods with family and friends, walk to hatch these Pokémon from Eggs, and register them to your collection this holiday season. We can’t wait to see what Pokémon you’ve hatched!Stay tuned for further updates about Pokemon Go Generation 2, and share with us your thoughts and expectations, and what you have hatched so far.
Official update – Pokemon Go Live