Pokemon GO Galarian Zigzagoon Field Notes Special Research Ticket
If you need to know what the Pokemon GO Galarian Zigzagoon Field Notes Special Research Ticket is, or what it’s for, you’ve come to the right place. It is one of many different things you’ll be able to enjoy during the upcoming Community Day event. This item basically unlocks access to extra tasks and rewards. And it’s cheap, which is nice.

Pokemon GO Field Notes Galarian Zigzagoon Special Research Ticket
The Field Notes: Galarian Zigzagoon Special Research Ticket in Pokemon GO is a special extra item that you’ll be able to purchase via the in-game store during the Galarian Zigzagoon Community Day event. It will only cost a dollar, or the equivalent in your local currency. You can even gift it to another trainer that you’re Great Friends with or above. All you have to do is opt for the “Gift” option instead of “Buy” in the shop. You cannot do this if they’ve already gotten a ticket, either by buying it themselves or obtaining it as a gift from somebody else. Also, keep in mind that the purchase is non-refundable. Granted, one buck is not that much for most people, but still; be sure you want to purchase it before you do.
Now, those of you that are somewhat new to the game might be wondering what the Pokemon GO Field Notes: Galarian Zigzagoon Special Research Ticket is even for. Well, during the aforementioned Community Day, there’s a set of Special Research tasks that you can only access if you have the ticket. At the moment, the developers haven’t revealed what these tasks are and what the rewards are going to be, but then again, they never really do. For the most part, it’s up to the Trainers to do all that once the event kicks off and they hold the ticket. Usually, the rewards are things like extra XP, Candies for Zigzagoon, encounters with it and its evolutions, extra Stardust, those kinds of things. For more info, check out our guide linked above, or the official event page.