Pokemon GO Galarian Zigzagoon Community Day Release Date, Time & Rewards
In our Pokemon GO Galarian Zigzagoon Community Day Release Date, Time & Rewards guide, we are going to present you with all the most important information about the upcoming event. We will show you when it’s going to begin and end, what all the special bonuses and rewards are, and much more. So, enough faffing about, let’s get into it!

Galarian Zigzagoon Community Day Release Date & Time
The release date and time of the Pokemon GO Galarian Zigzagoon Community Day will be Saturday, August 13th, at 11 AM local time. It will wrap up three hours later, at 2 PM local time. Within this time window, Galarian Zigzagoon will be appearing in the wild more often (and you can run into a shiny one if you’re lucky). You can then evolve it into Galarian Linoone, and then Galarian Obstagoon. If you do this during the event, the Obstagoon will know the Obstruct Charged Attack (Dark).
Galarian Linoone will also be appearing in special four-star Raids from 2 PM to 7 PM on the day of the event. You’ll only be able to participate in those with either Regular or Premium Raid Passes. Additionally, if you manage to defeat a Linoone in a raid, “Galarian Zigzagoon will begin to appear in a 300-meter radius around the Gym that hosted the raid for 30 minutes.” It can also be shiny.
Pokemon GO Galarian Zigzagoon Community Day Rewards & Bonuses
The rewards and bonuses for the Pokemon GO Galarian Zigzagoon 2022 Community Day will be the usual fare. Triple this, double that, longer-lasting Incenses and Lure Modules; you know the drill. Just in case, we’ll list them for you below. The official event page also shows themed stickers and Obstagoon-themed avatar cosmetics, the latter of which you’ll be able to earn via Timed Research. Oh, and don’t forget the Galarian Zigzagoon Field Notes Special Research Ticket.
- Triple Catch Stardust
- Double Candy for catching Pokemon
- Twice the chance for Trainers level 31 and up to receive XL Candy from catching Pokemon
- Three-hour Lure Modules
- Three-hour Incenses
- Take a few snapshots to get a surprise
- Trades done during the event and five hours after will cost 50% less Stardust
- One additional special trade during the event and up to five hours after, maximum of three for the day
- Group bonus: If Trainers catch enough Pokemon using a single Lure Module, the triple Catch Stardust near the lured PokeStop will go up to quadruple catch Stardust for thirty minutes.