Pokemon GO Evergreen Ticket
In our Pokemon GO Evergreen Ticket guide, we are going to discuss this new item and what it may be for. At time of writing, the Evergreen Ticket has appeared in the shop but it’s obvious it wasn’t supposed to be. I mean, you saw what it looks like, it’s clearly a glitch of some sort. Regardless, the player base immediately perked up and started asking what the item was for. Well, let’s try and figure it out.

Evergreen Ticket in Pokemon GO
So, what is the Pokemon GO Evergreen Ticket all about? Well, it will most likely have something to do with the upcoming 7th Anniversary Party event. It will feature a number of Special Timed Research tasks, and naturally, you’ll have to buy a ticket in order to access them. That’s what Evergreen is going to be, I’m pretty certain. And to bolster my claim, I offer you the evidence of this Reddit post. See how it still has the old description of the Starry Sky ticket as stand-in text? Yeah, I think that’s a dead giveaway. I mean, maybe the Evergreen Ticket will actually be for something else, but I doubt it.
So, yeah, that’s all we know about the Evergreen Ticket in Pokemon GO at time of writing. I’m sure we’ll know more once the 7th Anniversary Party drops on July 6th at 10 AM local time. According to the announcement, the event will last until July 12th, and there will be plenty of things to do. For example, you can hunt down a special version of several different Pokemon, including Pikachu with a cake hat and every evolution of Squirtle with a party hat. And, of course, there will be many event bonuses, various Raids, avatar items, and much more. Oh, and the You and Mew Masterwork Research story.