Pokemon GO Diggersby - Mega Evolution
Getting a Diggersby is one of the Spring into Spring collection challenges. This Pokemon Go event requires you to obtain the evolved version of Bunnelby, but that’s definitely easier said than done. There doesn’t seem to be any way to catch a Diggersby, so what are you supposed to do? Well, in our Pokemon GO Diggersby – Mega Evolution, we’re going to explain what you need to do.

How to Get Diggersby – Spring into Spring Collection Challenge
To get Diggersby for the Pokemon Go Spring into Spring collection challenge, you have to evolve a Bunnelby. As far as we know, that is the only way to have a Diggersby; they don’t seem to appear in the wild, so you can’t rely on running into one and catching it. That would arguably be the easier way to go about things, but, well, you can’t. Fortunately, evolving a Bunnelby is not that big of a deal, as we’re about to explain.
Basically, all you need to do to evolve Bunnelby into Diggersby is 50 Bunnelby Candy. If you’ve been playing the game regularly, odds are you have a lot of them already. If you don’t, that’s perfectly fine, too. As a part of the Spring event, Bunnelby is going to be appearing more often in the wild. So, arm yourself with a bunch of Incense Lures and have a nice, long walk. You’ll likely end up with a whole bunch of Bunnelby.
At that point, all you need to to to get Diggersby for the Spring into Spring collection challenge in Pokemon Go is to mill all the extra Bunnelby into Candy. Feed the fifty to whichever Bunnelby you want, and you’re done with this challenge. If you’ve gotten a shiny Bunnelby, well, then there’s your chance for a shiny Diggersby, if you should so choose. Good luck!