Pokemon GO Deino Field Notes Special Research Ticket
The Pokemon GO Field Notes: Deino Special Research ticket is an item you’ll be able to purchase via the in-game store during the June 2022 Deino Community Day. It will unlock access to a number of Special Research tasks for you to complete and receive various rewards. In this guide, we’ll share all the details of the Deino Field Notes we know so far.

Pokemon GO Field Notes Deino Special Research Ticket
The Field Notes: Deino Special Research ticket in Pokemon GO is a part of the Deino June 2022 Community Day, as we’ve said already. It will cost you a dollar or whatever the equivalent in local currency is in the in-game store. You can get one for yourself, but you can also gift one to a friend, unless they already have it. The ticket unlocks access to a bunch of extra quests and rewards. We don’t know for certain what these are going to be, since the event hasn’t kicked off yet. However, based on previous Community Days, you can probably expect encounters with Deino and its evolutions, Deino Candies, XP, Stardust and much more as prizes for completing the Special Research steps. So, the ticket should be worth the money.
And there you have it, that’s what we know about the Pokemon GO Special Research Field Notes: Deino ticket. One thing that we do have to mention before we wrap up is that you must play during the specified time to receive all the special event bonuses. That means you have to make the most of your ticket during the Community Day event, which is going to take place on Saturday, June 25th from 11 AM to 2 PM local time. I assume that, once the event wraps up, you’ll lose access to the Special Research Field Notes tasks. However, considering that there aren’t really any other quests to complete, you shouldn’t have too much trouble blasting through the majority of the tasks. You’ll get your buck’s worth, is what I’m saying. For more details on the event, check out the official page.