Best Psychic Cup Team Pokemon GO 2023
Season 12, also known as The Season of Light, has started in Pokemon GO a while back. And, along with it come new Cups and challenges for the Great League. The Psychic Cup is one such upcoming event. Like its name suggests, this Cup is all about Psychic-type Pokemon. The rules state that only these Pokemon can enter (with the notable exception of the very popular Mew), and that they must be 1,500 CP or lower to compete. In this guide, we will go over the best Pokemon and the best team for the Psychic Cup in Pokemon GO 2023.

Best Pokemon for Psychic Cup in Pokemon GO
The Psychic Cup is scheduled to start this Wednesday, March 15th, 2023, at 9 PM CEST. It is going to last until Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023, at 9 PM CEST. The best Pokemon you can select for the Psychic Cup in Season 12, the Season of Light, are as follows: Victini, Malamar, Metagross, Galarian Rapidash, Bronzong, Claydol, Shadow Gardevoir, Galarian Rapidash, Slowbro, Shadow Slowbro, Galarian Slowking, Medicham, Alolan Raichu, Celebi, and Cresselia.
Pokemon GO Psychic Cup Best Team
Among the aforementioned Pokemon, there are several team combinations that stand out as the obvious best choices. The first of these consists of Victini (Quick Attack / V-Create / Overheat / Psychic), Malamar (Psycho Cut / Foul Play / Hyper Beam), and Galarian Rapidash (Fairy Wind / Body Slam / Megahorn). The second team is made up of Bronzong (Feint Attack / Payback / Psyshock / Heavy Slam), Victini (Quick Attack / V-Create / Overheat / Psychic), and Malamar (Psycho Cut / Foul Play / Hyper Beam).
And the third and final team recommendation is: Claydol (Mud Slap / Rock Tomb / Shadow Ball), Metagross (Bullet Punch / Meteor Mash / Earthquake), and Shadow Gardevoir (Charm / Shadow Ball / Synchronoise / Dazzling Gleam). Any one of these team compositions will allow you to dominate most matches.