BD and SP Event Pokemon Go - Collection Challenge
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is set to release soon. To celebrate this, there is a brand new Pokemon GO event in store for players. This Pokemon Go Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Celebration Event will take place from November 16th until November 21st, and it also involves a collection challenge. During this time, you will get the opportunity to capture several Sinnoh Pokémon. Our BD and SP Event Pokemon Go – Collection Challenge guide will tell you exactly which Pokemon these are, and what you should do to capture them.

Collection Challenge Pokemon Go – Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Event
Here are all the Pokemon that you will need to capture as part of this Collection Challenge:
- Chimchar that is wearing a Dawn hat.
- Chimchar that is wearing a Lucas hat.
- Piplup that is wearing a Dawn hat.
- Piplup that is wearing a Lucas hat.
- Turtwig that is wearing a Dawn hat.
- Turtwig that is wearing a Lucas hat.
It’s important to note that this Pokemon Go BDSP event is divided into two parts. The first part, called Part 1: Brilliant Diamond, will last from November 16th until November 18th. The Part 2: Shining Pearl will take place from November 18th until November 21st. Besides differing in when they occur, they will also impact how you can get these Pokemon. During Part 1, the Chimchar, Piplup, and Turtwig wearing a Lucas hat can be found in the wild. And in Part 2, these same Pokemon can only be obtained via Field Research tasks. For Dawn hat Pokemon, it’s the reverse. So, these will be available as Field Research tasks in Part 1, and in the wild in Part 2. If you manage to complete this collection challenge in time, your rewards for doing so will be: 1,000 XP, 3,000 Stardust, as well as an encounter with Froslass.