Battle a Challenger Pokemon GO World Championships 2022
Don’t know how to battle a challenger in Pokemon GO for the 2022 Pokémon World Championships event-exclusive research tasks? You’ve come to the right place! The 2022 Pokémon World Championships are here! The very best Pokemon players in the world have gathered in London to battle it out and find out who is the best among the best. The Pokémon Company will celebrate this occasion in all Pokemon games with special events. When it comes to the 2022 Pokémon World Championships celebration in Pokemon GO, players are not sure how to complete “Battle a Challenger” timed research tasks. In this guide, we’ll explain exactly what you need to do.

How to Battle a Challenger in Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO challengers are essentially special NPCs added for various events. This is not the first time that Niantic introduces Challengers in Pokemon GO, and if you are a seasoned player, you might have encountered them before. They are Pokémon Trainers which you can encounter during these events, such as the 2022 Pokémon World Championships celebration. But what exactly do you need to do in order to start a battle with Pokemon GO challengers?
Just like Team Rocket grunts, Pokemon GO challengers appear near PokéStops during the duration of an event. Unlike Team Rocket grunts, challengers don’t change their colour and will appear almost always white. Thus, it’s easy to distinguish between the two groups. Like all Trainer Battles in Pokemon GO, Pokemon GO challengers have teams of three pokemon. Asides from the progression of your research, beating a challenger will also net you some rewards, such as Poké Balls, Berries, Potions, and Stardust. For now, these are the challenges we know about:
- Novice Challenger:
- Slot 1: Trevenaut or Sableye
- Slot 2: Azumarill or Alolan Ninetales
- Slot 3: Galarian Stunfisk or Obstagoon
- Confident Challenger:
- Slot 1: Swampert or Walrein
- Slot 2: Mandibuzz or Trevenaut
- Slot 3: Deoxys (Defense) or Lickitung
- Slick Challenger:
- Slot 1: Walrein or Azumarill
- Slot 2: ??? or Medicham
- Slot 3: Registeel or Trevenaut
- Ambitious Challenger:
- Slot 1: Swampert or Obstagoon
- Slot 2: Registeel or Nidoqueen
- Slot 3: Talonflame or Greedent
- Eccentric Challenger:
- Slot 1: Sabeleye or Sirfetch’d
- Slot 2: Lickitung or Walrein
- Slot 3: Talonflame or Registeel
- Eager Challenger:
- Slot 1: ??? or Nidoqueen
- Slot 2: ??? or Sabeleye
- Slot 3: ??? or Swampert