Pokemon GO Anniversary Event Research Tasks 2022
In our Pokemon GO Anniversary Event Research Tasks 2022 guide, we’re going to give you a full list of both Timed Research tasks and Field Research tasks that you’ll be able to complete, as well as which rewards you’ll get from them. There’s actually quite a lot to sink your teeth into, up to and including an encounter with Wash Rotom. So, let’s dive straight in.

Pokemon GO Anniversary Event 2022 Timed Research Tasks
The Timed Research tasks in the 2022 Pokemon GO Anniversary Event are quite numerous, and the rewards can get pretty interesting. In fact, they include encounters with some relatively rare and fun Pokemon, including even Wash Rotom. Here’s a list of all the tasks and rewards.
- Anniversary Event Research Step 1
- Catch 15 Pokemon – 15x Poke Balls
- Catch 5 different species of Pokemon – 10x Great Balls
- Make 5 Nice Throws – 5x Ultra Balls
- Make 3 Great Throws – 500 XP
- Make 5 Curveball Throws – Foongus Encounter
- Use 10 Berries to help catch Pokemon – 500 Stardust
- Reward for completing all tasks: 1x Poffin, Cake Costume Pikachu encounter
- Anniversary Event Research Step 2
- Play with your buddy – 5x Razz Berries
- Give your buddy a treat – 5x Nanab Berries
- Take a snapshot of your buddy – 5x Pinap Berries
- Battle another trainer with your buddy Pokemon while it’s adventuring with you – 500 XP
- Earn 5 hearts with your buddy – Eevee encounter
- Earn a Candy exploring with your buddy – 500 Stardust
- Reward for completing all tasks: 1x Poffin, Party Hat Charmander encounter
- Anniversary Event Research Step 3
- Take 5 snapshot of wild Pokemon – 5x Potions
- Take a snapshot of Charmander – 5x Revives
- Take a snapshot of your buddy – 15x Poke Balls
- Take a snapshot of 5 different Pokemon – 500 XP
- Take a snapshot of a Normal type Pokemon – Meowth encounter
- Take snapshots of 3 different wild Fire, Water, or Grass type Pokemon – 500 Stardust
- Reward for completing all tasks: 1x Unova Stone, Pansear encounter
- Anniversary Event Research Step 4
- Spin 5 PokeStops or Gyms – 20x Poke Balls
- Hatch an Egg – 3x Golden Razz Berries
- Walk 2km – 3x Silver Pinap Berries
- Earn a Candy exploring with your buddy – 500 XP
- Complete 5 Field Research Tasks – 3x Rare Candies
- Battle in a gym 3 times – 500 Stardust
- Reward for completing all tasks: 1x Premium Battle Bass, Gible encounter
- Anniversary Event Research Step 5
- Send 5 gifts to friends – 20x Super Potions
- Send 5 gifts to friends and add a sticker to each – 35x Revives
- Transfer 15 Pokemon – 500 XP
- Battle in 2 raids – 1x Fast TM
- Win a level 1 or higher raid – 1x Charge TM
- Power up Pokemon 10 times – 500x Stardust
- Reward for completing all tasks: 1x Rocket Radar, Snorlax encounter
- Anniversary Event Research Step 6
- Claim reward! – 1,000 XP
- Claim reward! – 1,000 XP
- Claim reward! – 1,000 XP
- Claim reward! – 1,000 XP
- Claim reward! – 1,000 XP
- Claim reward! – 1,000 XP
- Reward for completing all tasks: 2,500 XP, 2,500 Stardust, Wash Rotom Encounter
Pokemon GO Anniversary Event Field Research Tasks
There are nine Field Research tasks in the 2022 Pokemon GO Anniversary Event. Seven of them reward you with an encounter with a Pokemon, and the other two grant you useful items; namely, Balls and Mega Energy. The cute thing about the tasks that grant you an encounter is that they all revolve around starter Pokemon from various regions. What better way to celebrate an anniversary than by sowing off the rich history of Pokemon games? Anyway, here are the tasks and what they give you:
- Spin 6 PokeStops or Gyms – Encounter with Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle
- Catch 6 different species of Pokemon – Encounter with Treecko, Torchic or Mudkip
- Make 6 Curveball Throws – Encounter with Snivy, Tepig or Oshawott
- Use 6 Berries to help catch Pokemon – Encounter with Chikorita, Cyndaquil or Totodile
- Earn 6 Hearts with your Buddy – Encounter with Turtwig, Chimchar or Piplup
- Send 6 gifts and add a sticker to each – Encounter with Chespin, Fennekin or Froakie
- Make 6 Nice Throws – 25x Venusaur, Charizard or Blastoise Mega Energy
- Catch 6 Pokemon – 10 Poke Balls, 5 Great Balls or 2 Ultra Balls
I’ve tried every method of battling another trainer with my buddy while adventuring with it, and it won’t mark as complete. Anyone else? Help!