Works Key Location - Pokemon BDSP Valley Windworks
Pokemon BDSP is full of locations that you will be able to visit during the course of the game. One of these is Valley Windworks, which is located off Route 205, east of Floaroma Town. The Valley Windworks are an ecological, wind-powered Power Plant and it has been taken over by members of Team Galactic. You will, of course, need to run them out of there. The only problem is that they have locked themselves inside. To get in, you will need the Works Key, which is at another location. And you will definitely want to get inside the Windworks and get them out of there, since this is the only way to get Drifloon, the Balloon Pokemon. Our Works Key Location – Pokemon BDSP Valley Windworks guide will explain what you need to do to find the key and get inside.

Where to Find Works Key for Valley Windworks – Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
When you first get to the entrance to the Valley Windoworks, you will see that there’s a Team Galactic grunt guarding the way inside. Interact with that person and after a short conversation, they will challenge you to battle. After defeating them, they will lock themselves in. Before they do, they will inform you that the other Works Key is located in the flower patch and that it is in the possession of some other Team Galactic members.
Now, head on over to the flower patch which is leading to the Floaroma Meadow. We’ve marked the entrance in the screenshot below. At the very entrance in the meadow there, you will encounter two Team Galactic members harassing a man and trying to steal his honey. Go up to them and interact with them. You will now have to battle both of them. After defeating them, the man will thank you and give you the Works Key, as well as some of his Honey. Go back to the Valley Windworks and use the key to open the front door and get inside.