How to Walk with Your Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
A lot of people will want to know how to walk with your Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, both those that have played the original games and those that haven’t. After all, every recent Pokemon game has let you bring your Pokemon out for a stroll, and the original Diamond and Pearl did, too. The difference is that, in those games, you could only walk with them inside a specific location. In the remasters, things are different. So, let’s find out how to walk with your Pokemon in Pokemon BDSP.

How to Walk with Your Pokemon in Pokemon BDSP
To walk with your Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shiny Pearl, or BDSP, you first need to play through the game until you reach Hearthome City. You get there after you complete the second gym in Eterna City. By the way, that’s where you get the Pokemon BDSP Bike and the Explorer Kit to go underground. Once you’re done with the second gym, head along Route 208 and you’ll be in Hearthome City soon enough. You really can’t miss it, to be honest.
Once you arrive to Hearthome, you need to go to Amity Square. To do that, head to the upper left part of the town, to the place behind the Pokemon Center. It’s the plain building with the blue-and-white tiles on the floor. The sign outside of the building will let you know that you’re in the right place. Next, to walk with your Pokemon in Pokemon BDSP or Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, head through the corridor to enter the actual park. The person sitting at the desk at the entrance will tell you that you can walk with a Pokemon and let you choose which one you want.
Now, so far, this has all been the same as in the original Diamond and Pearl. However, in those games, you could only walk with your Pokemon inside the park. In the remasters, however, you can walk with them anywhere you want. You just need to unlock the feature in the park first.